A Logistica Reversa
Por: Matheus Rossini • 26/11/2017 • Trabalho acadêmico • 2.347 Palavras (10 Páginas) • 276 Visualizações
An Application of Pareto Analysis and Cause-Effect Diagram for analysis of the adversities that influence the reverse logistics of e-commerce
Leonardo Santos Camargo1, Matheus Henrique Rossini1, Rodrigo Pereira Macedo1
1 Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP), Experimental Campus, Rua Geraldo Alckmin, 519, Vila Nossa Senhora de Fátima, 18409-010, Itapeva, São Paulo, Brazil
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Abstract: The technology is advancing each time more, and many sectors that were previously manual, now become computerized, such as trades. Previously, everything was done manually, face to face. However, now all this happens virtually, using the internet, without the consumer having physical contact with the product they are purchasing. However, with the many benefits that this can bring forward, there are also new problems to be solved, such as purchases processing, exchange, order return, among other issues to be analyzed. From this, you can use reverse logistics concepts and quality control tools such as Pareto diagram, Ishikawa diagram, to solve problems and improve this new form of commerce, called e-commerce, specifically addressing a store online of sports uniforms.
Palavras chave: E-commerce, Reverse Logistic, Pareto Analysis, Quality, Root Cause
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- Introduction
The emergence of the Internet has provided a new approach where a computer connected to a network, brought a new way to conduct trade. The advent of this new technology, took place in the 1990s in the United States, having a rapid spread to Europe and other populations already more developed around the world.
Because of its great potential, e-commerce has developed very quickly, and before long, it was an essential technology for all, and of course, already had a highly competitive market for retailers. Thus, to establish in the online market, retailers must always be renewing their processes to increase their profits, cut their losses, and cultivate their reputation with the virtual world.
Thus, in this paper will be treated to some studies based on quality control tools to analyze the reverse logistics of this online trading process to its improvement and an effective improvement.
- Background Of The Study
2.1 E-commerce
Since the moment men begin to perform the exchange of services and goods, for cash, the word commerce first comes up. Increasingly, the way these trades happen, have been renewed, and follow the technological development of society. According to Novaes (2007), formerly, control of the payment of a product or service, was done manually, but the realization of such transaction by electronic means is currently growing increasingly. As this new form of commerce, called "e-commerce".
The big growth of this market can be confirmed analyzing the following graphic:
Graphic 1. E-consumers growth in Brazil since 2013.
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According to Fernandes et al. (2011), the definition of e-commerce is linked to the computer and the Internet, however, 30 years ago, a commercial transaction carried out by means of electronic equipment was already considered e-commerce, making the meaning of the word changes, only adapting to the current context.
Kotler, cited Scandiuzzi (2011) defines e-commerce as commerce purchases and sales made online, and shows seven ways to be successful in this environment: conduct business research, provide information about the product or service, promote debate, offer training, and offer products and services through bits (online).
The following chart shows the increase in online sales amount.
Graphic 2. Online sales growth (consumer goods) in Brazil from the first half of 2011.
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2.2 Reverse logistics
Reverse logistics, is a logistics concept that can be considered recent. The first studies and activities of the area are dated back to the 70 and 80. At first, the focus was directed to return goods with the purpose of use for recycling thereof (Hernández et al., 2012).
According to Rogers and Tibben-Lembke (1998), the reverse logistics concept includes the same scope of activities of direct logistics; the difference is that it covers such activities in a inverse way.
However, over the past decades, reverse logistics has been covered to new interests, such as creating and / or recovery value, after sales returns and also returns after consumption (Leite, 2012).
2.3 Reverse logistics influence in e-commerce
As the E-bit report:
When making a purchase, consumers feel more secure and confident when you know you can exchange or return the product in case of problems. In electronic commerce, the availability of these services and the ease of using them are important, especially because the contact between customer and store is not face by face (E-BIT, 2014, p. 22). Thus, reverse logistics can be considered an essential variable in the case of electronic marketing scenario, which the client does not have physical access to the product prior to purchase, which may increase the chances of intent to exchange / return the same when this comes in the consumer's hands.
Thus, you can check the level of importance that reverse logistics has in e-commerce, as it will influence whether the customer will or will not continue to make purchases, or will directly affect the loyalty and reputation of the company.
III. Methodology
This study makes use of quality tools to minimize reverse logistic effects. It presents the theoretical ideas about reverse logistic effects and quality tools specially Pareto Analysis and Cause-Effect diagram. The case study research conducted on the selected e-commerce company of sportive uniforms “iSports”. This step includes the understanding about the quality control system of the selected business and how this could be improved. The conceptual development includes solutions analysis that could minimize these effects, then will be related to their respective major areas. Finally, the last step consists in a theoretical and math analysis about the quality control on ecommerce logistic. Steps involved in the study: