Fisica Atps
Por: jamba • 22/9/2015 • Trabalho acadêmico • 528 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 284 Visualizações
With all This Talk of how to save earth, some of the words brightest organisations have already made the move to initiate change.
One Way theyre doing this by creating infrastructure that uses the power of the sun. Solar energy is one of the best renewable energies that we can use to possibly reverse the ill-effects suffered by our planet. Here are 5 of the coolest solar powered buildings in the word.
1 – Sanyos Solar Ark- Japan
This impressive building can be found in Gifu, Japan. It has the Capability to produce about 500,000 Kwh, of energy every year with is 5,000+ solar panels.
The materials are made for monocrystalline modules which are factory recalls and were supposed to head to the dump. Sanyo recycled them with the purpose of building this amazing structure. This building was created in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the company. It also serves as a museum for solar technology.
Single crystal silicon solar cells
Resistant to 112 km/h winds
Resistant to level 7 earthqueke
2- Solar powered Office complex – na China
China has been making real efforts towards going green. This solar powered office complex is located in Dezhou, in the Shangdong Province for NorthWest China. It’s considered the largest solar-powered office building, with its massive 75,000 square metre office space. This building is home to scientific research facilities, exhibition centres, a hotel, and a LOT of offices.
5000 Square metre solar panel installation
3- Enviro Mission’s solar Towers – no USA
Even though eletricity is known to be cheap in Arizona, USA, an Australian Company, EnviroMission, hopes to create these solar toweres in order to make good use of hot air sent through a chimney structure which turns a turbine. They Tried to build this epic structure near Mildura, Vitoria, however they received zero government support. Nice work Tony.
Enough energy for 150,000 homes
Equivanlent of removing 90,000 cars from the road
Cost: $750 million – 11 years operation to pay back
Continues to work at night
800m+ Twice the height of the Empire State Building (800m+)
200,000 Kwh estimated amount of annual power generation
4- Nation Stadium – No Taiwan
The Solar powered national stadium in Taiwan is definitely one of the coolest in the whole world. Looking from a bird´s eye view, this stadium looks like a dragon. Most importantly, the majority of its energy is from the sun. This stadium can hold an overall capacity of 55,000 spectators.
Cost: $150 milion
14,155 Square metres
8,844 Solar panels
660 tonnes-CO2 / year reduction
1,140,000 Kwh estimated amount of annual power generation
5- Cyberture Egg – Na India
There is no question that this has got to be the coolest egg on the planet. It was built to symbolize the start and end of a life. It has 13 stories and uses a cool design feature all throughout. One look at it and you will notice that there are no pillars to support the floor weight. This is because the shell is the one that does the job. This building uses solar PV panels and wind turbines in order to generate electricity. At the same time, it uses grey water systems which conserve water for landscaping and irrigation.