- Trabalhos, Monografias, Artigos, Exames, Resumos de livros, Dissertações

Gabriela Bis

Trabalho Escolar: Gabriela Bis. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  15/11/2013  •  1.846 Palavras (8 Páginas)  •  584 Visualizações

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Trabalho apresentado ao Curso de Processos Gerenciais da Faculdade ENIAC para a disciplina de Ingles.

Prof. Fatima Sanches



Disciplina - Inglês

Portfólio N°2

2º Bimestre

:: Portfólio


Falar e perguntar sobre esportes, alimentação, descrever talentos e habilidades.


O aluno deverá resolver os exercícios propostos.

1) Complete the conversation. Use can or can’t and the words below.

bake a cake tell good jokes take good photos

fix a car do gymnastics use a computer

Ex: A: Can Leslie and Linda do gymnastics.

B: Yes, they can. They’re really good athletes.

a) A: ___Can____you ___take good photos______?

B: Yes, I __can___. I design Web pages.

b) A: _Can__Sue __tell good jokes____?

B : No, she ___can´t____. She’s very serious.

c) A: _Can____Jim ___bake a cake_________?

B: Yes, he __can________. He’s very good cook.

2) Read the notice. Then mark ( X ) two answers for each question.

Come to Rivervale Community Center

Do you like to learn new languages? Spanish and French languages classes are starting, Do you need a new hobby? Maybe Photography or Web Page Design is for you. Can’t cook? Try our Chinese Cooking class. All classes begin next week.

Do you enjoy sports or need some exercise? The swimming pool is open every day. Play basketball or volleyball in the gym in the evenings. And on Saturdays, we have hiking trips!

The ABC Community Center is for people of all ages – from 9 to 90! We’re open Monday to Saturday from 8:00 a.m to 10:00 p. m.

1. What classes can you take? 3. When is the community center open?

( ) 9 A.M. to 9 P.M.

( x ) language classes ( ) every day

( ) furniture design (x ) 8 A.M. to 10 P.M.

( ) French cooking (x ) Monday to Saturday

( x) photography

2. What sports can you play or do?

( ) soccer

( x ) basketball

( ) golf

( x) swimming

3) Match questions with the answers.

a) Are we going to work this weekend? (C ) Yes, I am. I’m going to go swimming.

b) Are they going to cook dinner? (F ) No, it’s not. It’s going to be cloudy.

c) Are you going to exercise this evening? ( A ) No, we’re not. We’re going to relax.

d) Is Bill going to do anything after work? ( B ) Yes, they are. They’re going to make pasta.

e) Are Pam and Andrew going to have a picnic this week? ( D ) Yes, he is. He’s going to visit his parents.

f) Is it going to rain tomorrow? (E) No, they aren’t. They’re going to have a party.

4) Write Wh-questions to complete the conversation.

A: _Where are you going to go next summer ?

B: Next Summer? We’re going to go to Alaska.

A: Alaska, wow!___How are you going to go ?

B: We’re going to take a boat.

A: That sounds so exciting! ___Who are you going to go winth ?

B: I’m going to with my family.

A: Great! ___When are you going to go ?

B: We’re going to go on June 21st.

5) Complete the conversations. Choose the correct word:

1. A: I _Have_(feel/get/have) a headache.

B: __Take___(Drink/Eat/Take) these pills.

2. A: (What’s / How’s / Why’s) ___What’s____ the matter?

B: I don’t feel (better / sick / well)__Well_____. I have a stomachache.

3. A: (What / How / Where) ___How___ do you feel today?

B: Not so good. I (have / feel / am) __have__ sore eyes.



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