Os Sistemas e Processos Tecnológicos (matriz e punção)
Por: Dudu Gaspar • 7/6/2022 • Trabalho acadêmico • 5.169 Palavras (21 Páginas) • 102 Visualizações
Simulation of Technological Processes [pic 1]
[pic 2] Department of Mechanical Engineering Master in Mechanical Engineering SIMULATION OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES Metal Forming
Professor: Abel D. Santos June 2022 |
Developed within the curricular unit of Simulation of Technological Processes, this assignment has as its main objectives to analyse the formability of metallic sheets when submitted to a deep forming process and to analyse and further discuss the results with the Finite Element Method (FEM) using the ABAQUS software, in order to compare the computational efficiency of these type of elements.
Initially, the proposed problem is presented, elaborating on the materials and tools used. Following this, brief theoretical research concerning the process takes place.
However, the focus of this work project is the experimental and numerical analyses of the swift cup test, performed with the AA5754 and HSLA420 metal sheets. In this context, a detailed analysis of the punch force evolution and the equivalent plastic strain (PEEQ) is performed for the AA5754 aluminium alloy and the HSLA420 sheet.
List of Contents
1. Metal Forming 6
1.1. Problem 2 6
1.2. Objectives 7
2. Bibliographic Research 8
2.1. Swift Cylindrical Cup Test 8
2.2. True Stress-Strain Curve 10
2.2.1. Swift Law 11
2.2.2. Voce Law 11
2.3. Material Characterization 11
2.3.1. AA5754 11
2.3.2. HSLA420 11
3. Results, Analysis, and Discussion 12
3.1. Two-Dimensional Analyse 12
3.1.1. AA5754 Aluminium Alloy 12
3.1.2. HSLA420 Steel 15
3.2. Three-Dimensional 18
3.2.1. AA5754 Aluminium Alloy 18
3.2.2. HSLA420 Steel 21
4. Conclusions 25
5. References 26
List of Figures
Figure 1 - Tool dimensions (mm) of Swift cylindrical cup test. 7
Figure 2 - Gradual metal forming process. 8
Figure 3 - Tools: Die, Blank, Blank-Holder, Punch. 8
Figure 4 - Earing on embed bodies. 9
Figure 5 - True stress-strain curve vs. Engineering stress-strain curve. 10
Figure 6 - Punch Force in function of the displacement for a 105 mm blank and AA5754 Aluminium Alloy. 12
Figure 7 - Punch Force in function of the displacement for a 115 mm blank and AA5754 Aluminium Alloy. 12
Figure 8 - Punch Force in function of the displacement for a 125 mm blank and AA5754 Aluminium Alloy. 13
Figure 9 - Punch force versus punch displacement for a punch velocity. 14
Figure 10 - PEEQ for each node and blank measure for AA5754 Aluminium Alloy (Frictionless). 14
Figure 11 - PEEQ simulation of the 105 mm blank for AA5754 Aluminium Alloy (Frictionless) in ABAQUS. 15
Figure 12 - Punch Force in function of the displacement for HSLA420 Steel. 15
Figure 13 - Punch Force vs. Displacement for a 105 mm blank: material results for the frictionless case. 16
Figure 14 - Punch Force vs. Displacement for a 115 mm blank: material results for the frictionless case. 16
Figure 15 - Punch Force vs. Displacement for a 125 mm blank: material results for the frictionless case. 16
Figure 16 - PEEQ for each node and blank measure for HSLA420 Steel (Frictionless). 17
Figure 17 - PEEQ simulation of the 105 mm blank for HSLA420 Steel (Frictionless) in ABAQUS. 17
Figure 18 - Punch Force in function of the displacement for a 105 mm blank and AA5754 Aluminium Alloy. 18
Figure 19 - Thickness along blank surface for AA5754 Aluminium Alloy. 19
Figure 20 – Cup thickness for AA5754 Aluminium Alloy. 19
Figure 21 - STH simulation of the 105 mm cup for AA5754 Aluminium Alloy (Frictionless) in ABAQUS. 19