Curso de Tecnologia em Sistemas de Computação
Por: barreira07 • 24/5/2021 • Exam • 1.233 Palavras (5 Páginas) • 125 Visualizações
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Fundação CECIERJ - Vice Presidência de Educação Superior a Distância
Curso de Tecnologia em Sistemas de Computação
Disciplina: Inglês Instrumental
AD1 1° semestre de 2021
Assinatura –
Tech 2020: Biggest stories
by Leo Kelion
It's fair to say 2020 will not be remembered fondly.
The coronavirus pandemic dominated tech - like all else - with many of us spending more time than ever in front of screens.
"You're on mute," became a catchphrase, and during lockdowns people even began dating via video chat - but despite the internet helping keep us in touch, many still felt very alone.
Some of the biggest tech companies saw their profits soar, and a few lucky-placed start-ups such as Zoom and Deliveroo also benefitted. But many smaller companies came under strain, and - rightly or wrongly - Netflix rival Quibi blamed the pandemic for its implosion.
Yet none of those stories made our annual list of the year. Here's some of what kept people occupied.
In March: Squeezed streams
Days after the UK's first coronavirus lockdown began, it was announced that Netflix would reduce the bitrate of its video streams to avoid putting networks under strain. It had actually been asked by the EU to stop streaming in anything but standard definition, but took this lesser step as a compromise. Disney+, Apple, Amazon and YouTube all followed with similar measures of their own - which have all since been reversed. Most users probably never noticed the dip in picture quality.
In July: Y-Ickes
The pandemic has provided fuel to online conspiracy theories and disinformation. One of the leading figures spreading them was the former sports broadcaster David Icke. His appearance in an interview livestreamed on YouTube prompted the Google-owned service to ban all conspiracy videos falsely linking Covid-19 to 5G networks. And then Facebook, followed by YouTube and finally Twitter all kicked Icke off their platforms. Some saw this as a victory for common sense, but others worried about the major platforms' tilt towards more censorship.
In December: Deepfake queen
A deepfake of the Queen rounded out 2020. Channel 4 created a likeness of Her Majesty wearing a coronavirus-shaped brooch, cracking jokes about her family and showing off TikTok-style dance moves. The four-minute skit prompted more than 200 complaints to the media regulator Ofcom arguing it was in poor taste. But while Deepfakes obviously have the power to scandalise, what they have yet to do is fool people in large numbers. For now, misleadingly-edited videos remain more commonplace and problematic. But at the pace deepfake technology is evolving, it's possible it will pose a greater threat in 2021 and beyond.
Adapted from:
Glosssary fondly: com carinho; you're on mute: você está sem áudio/está no mudo; catchphrase: bordão; dating: namorar; soar: decolar; strain: tensão; blamed: culpou; squeezed: espremido; prompted: levou a; tilt: inclinação/tendência; brooch: broche; poor taste: mau gosto; fool: enganar; threat: ameaça; bitrates: taxas de dados; EU: European Union (União Europeia) |
1. Marque a afirmativa correta de acordo com o texto. (1.0 pt)
A. ( ) Felizmente, a pandemia não ficou refém da tecnologia durante a pandemia.
B. ( ) Graças à tecnologia, ninguém se sentiu só durante a pandemia.
C. ( X ) O ano de 2020 será lembrado sem nenhuma saudade.
D. ( ) Até as menores tech companies lucraram durante a pandemia.
2. Reflita sobre a frase retirada do texto: “Netflix rival Quibi blamed the pandemic for its implosion.” Isso significa que (1.0 pt)
A. ( ) Quibi foi afetada positivamente pela pandemia.
B. ( X ) Netflix foi responsável pela queda da Quibi.
C. ( ) Netflix e Quibi igualmente lucraram na pandemia.
D. ( ) Serviços de streaming de médio porte não sentiram impacto.
3. Considere o seguinte tema analisado no texto: A redução dos bitrates observada nos serviços de streaming no início do lockdown inglês.
À luz desse tema, decida se as afirmativas abaixo são verdadeiras (V) ou falsas (F). (1.0 pt)
A. ( F ) A redução dos bitrates na transmissão se mantém até os dias de hoje.
B. ( V ) A redução anunciada no início do lockdown voltou aos padrões anteriores.
C. ( V ) Disney+, Apple, Amazon and YouTube também adotaram medidas de redução de qualidade durante a pandemia.