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Por:   •  2/5/2021  •  Pesquisas Acadêmicas  •  1.374 Palavras (6 Páginas)  •  271 Visualizações

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Declaro assumir o compromisso de confidencialidade e de sigilo escrito, fotográfico e verbal sobre as questões do exame ou avaliação pessoal que me serão apresentadas, durante o curso desta disciplina. Comprometo-me a não revelar, reproduzir, utilizar ou dar conhecimento, em hipótese alguma, a terceiros, e a não utilizar tais informações para gerar benefício próprio ou de terceiros. Reitero minha ciência de que não poderei fazer cópia manuscrita, registro fotográfico, filmar ou mesmo gravar os enunciados que me são apresentados. Declaro, ainda, estar ciente de que o não cumprimento de tais normas caracteriza infração ética, podendo acarretar punição de acordo com as regras da minha universidade.


<Assinatura do aluno>

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Fundação CECIERJ - Vice Presidência de Educação Superior a Distância

Curso de Tecnologia em Sistemas de Computação

Disciplina: Inglês Instrumental

AP1 1° semestre de 2021


Hedy Lamarr: The Glamorous Mother of WiFi

Remote workers have Hedy Lamarr to thank for their connected existence


Known as “the most beautiful woman in the world,” the legendary Hollywood icon Hedy Lamarr, star of Ziegfield Girl (1941) and Samson and Delilah(1949), was featured in more than 30 films over her 28-year career — but there was more to her than meets the eye. Born Hedwig Eva Maria Kessler (1914-2000) in Vienna, Hedy Lamarr was many things: a hardworking actress, prolific producer, wife (6 times over!), mother. What you might not know is that she was also an ingenious inventor and mother of WiFi, GPS, Bluetooth, and other wireless technologies.

An only child, Lamarr received a great deal of attention from her father. He would often discuss the inner-workings of different machines with her. These conversations guided Lamarr’s thinking and at only 5 years of age, she could be found taking apart and reassembling her music box to understand how the machine operated.

Before arriving in the United States, a 19-year-old Hedwig had been married to Fritz Mandl, a wealthy, domineering, Austrian munitions manufacturer who sold arms to the Nazis. While with him, she had been privy to high-level conversations about weapons design that later came to inform her most important invention. She fled to the United States in the 1930s disguised as a maid, signed a contract with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio, and became the Hollywood box-office sensation: Hedy Lamarr.

Despite her international stardom, Lamarr was bored with life as a screen star. She devoted a room in her home as her lab for inventing and worked away at her drafting table instead of making the Hollywood party rounds. She was prolific and  sketched blueprints for various machines. But her greatest invention was born one sultry summer night in 1940 when Lamarr met her Hollywood neighbour, the avant-garde composer George Antheil.

In 1942, at the height of both her acting career and World War II, they created a “frequency-hopping system” inspired by Lamarr’s knowledge of weapons design and Antheil’s of musical instruments. This secret communications system (patented in 1942) manipulated radio frequencies at irregular intervals, preventing classified messages from being intercepted by the enemy. Although her ideas were ignored at first, the technology was later used by the military during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 and later formed the fundamental structure of devices we rely on today like wireless internet, GPS, fax machines, and Bluetooth.

She received very little credit for her achievements — until recently. In 1997, The Electronic Frontier Foundation bestowed her the Pioneer Award, and in 2014 (fourteen years after her death) she was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. Lamarr never made any money from any of her inventions — “frequency hopping” alone is thought to be worth some tens of billions of dollars — but the United States military has publicly acknowledged her contribution to this enduring technology.

Hedy Lamarr invented the underpinning technology that makes our smartphones and WiFi work. We might not be WFH today if it were not for Hedy Lamarr.

Note: frequency hopping: conhecido como salto de frequência; a noção de que várias frequências podem ser usadas. 

Adapted from


stardom: estrelato; sultry: abafado; classified: secreto; bestowed: concedeu;

WFH: Work from Home (trabalhar de casa/homeoffice)

1. “[...] but there was more to her than meets the eye.” Esta frase do primeiro parágrafo do texto lança luz sobre a ‘persona’ Hedy Lamarr.

O que ela significa? Marque a alternativa correta. (1.0 pt)

A. (     )  Sua carreira de atriz foi favorecida por sua beleza.

B. (     )  Lamarr era reconhecidamente uma talentosa e bela atriz.

C. (     )  Sua beleza não era seu único crédito.

D. (     )  Foi um ícone de beleza reverenciado em seu tempo.

2. Como ela escapou de seu primeiro marido?  (1.0 pt)

A. (     )  Ela se tornou uma atriz famosa.

B. (     )  Ela se disfarçou de camareira.

C. (     )  Ela criou um invento inovador.

D. (     )  Ela delatou seu marido como nazista.

3. Lamarr tinha alma de inventora. Marque abaixo as duas frases que corroboram essa afirmativa.  (1.0 pt)


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