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Por:   •  6/5/2016  •  Bibliografia  •  474 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  235 Visualizações

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Clause III -Payment  

3-THE CONTRACTING PARTY undertakes,hereby,to pay the CONTRACTED PARTY for the project implementation an amount of 15.000,00 (Fifteen thousand American Dollars)including VAT,henceforth referred to as Price the Contract.          

-The Payment for the service shall be made in tree(3) installments presented bellow:

-30%  Upon the Contract Signacture .................................................................4.500,00USD

-50% Upon Approval of preliminary Project and 3D..........................................7.500,00USD

-20% After the Project is handed in to Municipality ..........................................3.000,00USD

Payment should be made bank under the name of AZ CONSULTING;LDA,BCI,current account number 08725751510001,and the CONTRACTED PARTY shall then issue proof of receipt and payment confirmation.Amount shall paid in American Dollars or in Metical  at the Exchange rate 35,00.

Clause IV-Obligations of the Contracted Party.

1)THE CONTRACTED PARTY undertakes hereby ,before the CONTRACING PARTY,to design the Project and correct any possible defects in it,as well as corrections suggested by Municipal Council.

2)The CONTRACTED PARTY undertakes to use any information and /or documents acquired from the Contracts,exclusively for the purposes herein agreed.

3)THE CONTRACTED PARTY shall comply with laws and regulations of Mozambique applicable to the design of the Project and obtain all permits and certificates  for the design.

4)THE CONTRACTED PARTY is responsible for meeting  any and all tax liabilities arising out of this Contract,including VAT.

Clause V -Documents be submitted

Following items should be enclosed at the delivery of contract subject:

1.Architectural Project

i.Descriptive Memory and the Projects Justification

ii.General Arrangement Drawing

iii.Ground floor drawings

iv.Roofing Plan

v.Elevations of the building

vi.Cross Sections

vii.Dorrs and Windows Schedule

viii.Finishing Map

ix.Tridimensional Views

2.Structural Project

i.Calculation Log

ii.Structural Design

3.Hydraulic Design

i.Water Supply Project

4.Electrical Project

5.Projects Bill of Quantities and Unit Price

6.Design Report

Clause VI-Obligations of the Contracting Party

THE CONTRACTING PARTY undertakes to make all(information and documents  that is necessary available to the CONTRACTED PARTY for the accomplishiment of services herein agreed,and shall,furthernmore,facilitate the visit to Project site whenever necessary.

Clause VII-Payment release

All payments hereby foreseen shall be released  and made after a formal approval by the CONTRACTING PARTY regarding the quality of work  presented by the CONTRACTED PARTY.

Clause VIII-Changes

Any modifications that afect terms,conditions or specification of this Contract sould be subject to change in writing with the agreement of both parties.

Clause IX-Replica of Project Implementation

The same Architecture Project shall only be replicated the approval by the Contracted Party .The parties should agree an addendum so that the execution of such kind may be replicated through a payment of repetition  free paid by the Contracting Party t the Contracted Party to be agreed by parties.


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