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TDD - Metodologia de desenvolvimento

Por:   •  14/4/2016  •  Artigo  •  3.299 Palavras (14 Páginas)  •  290 Visualizações

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SECTION 08 62 23






  1. Tubular Skylights:  Engineered and production fabricated tubular daylighting devices (TDD’S) consisting of an aluminum leak-proof flat/pitched/curb mounted or self-flashing for installation on flat membrane roof, shingle/wood shake/tile roofs with an acrylic dome assembly, an aluminum ceiling/trim ring assembly, sun light diffuser joined by a highly reflective rigid light tube.  The tubular skylight models are categorized by varying diameters; 10”, 13”, 18” and 21”.
  2. Accessories:   Adjustable light pipe elbows, light kits with remote controls, adjustable light dimmer, diffuser options for most models.


  1. Section 01352 – LEED Requirements
  2. Section 07311- Asphalt Shingles: Flashing of skylight base.
  3. Section 07320- Roof Tiles: Flashing of skylight base.
  4. Section 07510- Built-up Bituminous Membrane Roofing: Flashing of skylight base.
  5. Section 07530- Electronic Membrane Roofing: Flashing of skylight base.
  6. Section 07550- Modified Bituminous Membrane Roofing: Flashing of skylight base.
  7. Section 07600- Flashing: Metal flashings.
  8. Section 07720 – Roof Accessories: Skylight Curb
  9. Section 08620- Unit Skylights: Skylights without reflective tube.
  10. Section 08630 - Metal Framed Skylights.
  11. Section 16150- Equipment Wiring: Electrical connections
  12. Section 16500- Lighting Equipment and Controls





  1. AMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-08 – North American Fenestration

Standard/Specification for windows, doors, and skylights (Includes all applicable reference standards).

  1. ANSI 101/I.S.2/NAFS-02 – Voluntary Performance Specification for Windows, Skylights, and Glass Doors (Includes all applicable reference standards).
  2. ASTM E 84- Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials; 2001
  3. ASTM E 108- Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Roof Coverings

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  1. ASTM E 283- Test Method for Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen
  2. ASTM E 330 – Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference
  3. ASTM E 331 – Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors and Curtain Walls by Static Air Pressure Difference  
  4. ASTM E 1886 – 02 - Standard Test Method for Performance of Exterior Window, Curtain Walls, Doors, and Storm Shutters Impacted by Missile(s) and Exposed to Cyclic Pressure Differentials.
  5. ASTM E 1996 - Standard Specification for Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, Doors and Impact Protective Systems Impacted by Windborne Debris in Hurricanes.
  6. ASTM D 635 - Test Method for Rate of Burning and/or Extent of time of Burning of Self-Supporting Plastics in a Horizontal Position.
  7. ASTM D-1929-96(2001) – Standard Test Method for Ignition Properties of Plastics.
  8. International Building Code (IBC) – Model building code developed by International Code Council
  9. International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) – Model Energy Building Code
  10. International Residential Code (IRC) – Comprehensive Residential Code That Creates Minimum Regulation for One and Two Family Dwellings of Three Stories or Less.   O. UL 790 - Standard for Tests for Fire Resistance of Roof Covering Materials.
  1. ICBO-ES AC 16 – Acceptance Criteria for Plastic Skylights
  2. ICBO-ES Evaluation Report – ER-5874
  3. Miami-Dade PA TAS 201 – Impact Test Procedures.
  4. Miami-Dade PA TAS 202 – Criteria for Testing Impact and Non-Impact Resistant Building Envelope Components Using Uniform Static Air Pressure.
  5. Miami-Dade PA TAS 203 – Criteria for Testing Products Subject to Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading.



  1. NFRC 100, Procedure for Determining Fenestration Product U-factors
  2. NFRC 102, Test Procedure for Measuring Steady-State Thermal Transmittance of Fenestration Systems
  3. NFRC 200, Procedure for Determining Fenestration Product Solar Heat Gain Coefficient at Normal Incidence
  4. NFRC 201, Interim Standard Test Method for Measuring the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient of Fenestration Systems Using Calorimeter Hot Box Methods

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  1. Hurricane Tested and Approved: Natural Light Tubular Skylights have been tested by the Hurricane Test Laboratory, Inc, Riviera Beach Florida in accordance with Miami-Dade County Protocol PA 202, PA 201 and PA 203 to achieve the rating of “hurricane approved”.
  1. Uniform Load Test: Withstand rated dead and live loads caused by pressure and uplift of wind acting normal to plane of roof to a download pressure of +60 psf and an uplift pressure of -60 psf measured in accordance with ANSI/ASTM E 330, AAMA/WDMA 1600/17 and PA TAS 202.
  2. Air leakage through assembly limited to 0.010 cfm/ft2 , measured at a reference differential pressure across assembly of 75 Pa (1.57 psf) as measured in accordance with AAMA/WDMA/ 1600/IS7, ANSI/ASTM E 283 AND PA TAS 202.
  3. Water infiltration: No water penetration noted when measured in accordance with AAMA/WDMA1600/IS7, PA TAS 202, and ANSI/ASTM E 331 with a test pressure differential of 12 psf.
  4. Large Missile Impact: Passes large Missile Impact Test when measured in accordance with PA TAS 201, and ANSI/ASTEM E 1996, ASTM Missile Level D.
  1. Fire Testing by Manufacturer of  Flammable Materials Used meets requirements of the 2006 International Building Code:
  1. Class B Burning Brand- the Burning Brand shall self-extinguish without transferring the fire to the dome. See ASTM E 108 and UL 790.
  2. Self-ignition temperature- Greater than 650 degrees F per: UBC Standard 26-6. See ASTM D 1929.
  3. Standard Test Method for Density of Smoke from the Burning or Decomposition of Plastics - U.B.C. Standard 26-5.  See ASTM D 2843.
  4. Smoke Density- Rating no greater than 450 Per U.B.C. 8-1.  See ASTM Standard E 84 in a way intended for use.
  5. Rate of Burn- Minimum Burning Rate: 2.5” /min (64mm/min) Classification CC-2: U.B.C. Standard 26-7. See ASTM D 635.

1.5         SUBMITTALS

  1. Submit under provisions of section 01300.
  2. Product data: Manufacturer’s data sheet on every product to be used, including:
  1. Preparation instructions and recommendations.
  2. Storage and handling requirements and recommendations.
  3. Installation methods.
  1. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings showing layout, profiles and product components, including anchorage, flashings and accessories.
  2. Verification samples: For each finish product specified, two samples, minimum size 6 inches

(150mm) square, representing actual product and finish,

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  1. Manufacturer’s certificates: Independent Test Lab Reports and Certifications are on file to verify products meet or exceed specified requirements.
  2. LEED Submittals: Provide documentation to support the qualifying LEED Credit’s requirements for the products specified:
  1. Energy and Atmosphere:  Data on improvement of energy performance credits.
  2. Indoor Environmental Quality:  Project list and data for perimeter and non-perimeter controllability for the lighting controls and systems in daylight zones.  
  3. Indoor Environmental Quality:  Project list and data for daylight zones for the products specified.
  4. Innovation and Design:  Data on potential innovation in design credits.
  5. Regional Priority:  Specific information on regional credits which may be available for the project location.


  1. Manufacturer Qualifications: Specified product shall be manufactured and installed for a minimum 10 years. Skyco Skylights tubular daylighting devices with exterior roof flashing, dome, light pipe, interior diffuser, and related components required for a weatherproof installation shall be manufactured to the highest standard of quality control in accordance with ICC ES Acceptance Criteria for Quality Control Manuals.  
  2. Installer Qualifications: Installer engaged in installation of tubular skylights for minimum 3 years.
  3. Mock-up: If required, provide a mock-up for evaluation of surface preparation techniques and application workmanship.
  1. Finish areas designated by architect.
  2. Do not proceed with remaining work until workmanship and color are approved by architect.
  3. Refinish mock-up area as required to produce acceptable work.


  1. Store products in Manufacturers unopened packaging until ready for installation
  2. Protect materials from exposure to moisture. Do not deliver until after wet work is complete and dry.
  3. Store materials in a dry warm ventilated weather-tight location.


A. Maintain environmental conditions (temperature, humidity, and ventilation) within limits recommended by manufacturer for optimum results. Do not install products under environmental conditions outside manufacturer’s absolute limits.


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