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Por: Ilana Godoy • 4/3/2019 • Trabalho acadêmico • 2.710 Palavras (11 Páginas) • 166 Visualizações
BSBWHS506 Contribute to developing, implementing and maintaining WHS management
Name of group members:
1. Coffee Bean There
2. Appendix A
3. Appendix B
4. Appendix E
5. Appendix C
6. Appendix C
Appendix A: Meeting summary template
Group members: 6 members
- Wagna Alves dos Santos
- Name 2
- Name 3
- Name 4
- Angela
- Raj
Date of meeting: 24/02/2019 at 9 am
Name of organisation: YouSafe Company
Agenda items
- Safety policy
Key points discussed
The policy to be created should contain the following aspects:
• To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities;
• To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety;
• To provide and maintain safe plant and equipment;
• To ensure safe handling and use of substances;
• To provide information instruction and supervision for employees;
• To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training;
• To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health
• To maintain safe and healthy working conditions; and
- To review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals.
2. Action plan
Key points discussed
The WHS Management System should be conducted through the actions below:
- Site evaluation for hazards identification.
- Conduct consultation with company employees
- For every hazard identified an action plan must be developed and tracked until the hazard is eliminated or adequately controlled.
- Risk assessment and classification
- Planning of mitigation and contingency strategies
- Monitoring strategies
- Review and analyse the effectiveness of strategies defined / implemented
3. Additional items
Key points discussed
For the implementation of the defined action plan, it will be necessary to:
- Historical accident information
- Procedures deployed in the company
- Data collected through Brainstorm
- Legislative issues governing the business and the region
Appendix B: Policy template
WHS Bean There Policy 2019 _________________________________________________________________
This is the WHS Bean There Policy 2019
2 Commencement
This policy commences on 25/02/2019 or the day after the day on which it is registered.
3 Overview/Statement of intent
In the workplace, health and safety regulations are paramount to the well-being of the employees and the employer. The purpose of this policy is to secure the health and safety of workers and workplaces through the elimination or minimisation of risks, avoiding potential problems before they occur.
4 Application
This policy applies to employees, contractors and sub-contractors and their employees, labour hire employees, outworkers, apprentices and trainees, work experience students and volunteers.
5 Definitions
6 Responsibility
6.1 Obligations
6.1.1 Bean There Obligations
- provide and ensure an environment in all workplace
- Provide safety equipment, specific equipment to provide the business
- provide and maintain safe systems of work
- provide information, training, instruction and supervision
- monitor the health of workers and the conditions of our workplaces.
- Generate safe storage of equipment and substances.
- ensuring safe work procedures are followed
6.1. 2 Workers Obligations
- generate information necessary for the collection and treatment of risks
- follow agreed safe working practices and rules
- to take reasonable care to work safely
- report all safety related incidents
- comply with any direction given by management for health and safety
- not misuse or interfere with anything provided for health and safety7 WHS Induction/Training/Procedures
- 7.1 Induction
All new managers and workers are required to be provided with WHS information regarding the workplace as part of their overall induction and introduction. A thorough WHS induction process assists new staff to feel welcome, become integrate in the organisation and ensure that they can work safely.
- 7.2 WHS Training
The procedure aims to provide a consistent approach to the identification and provision of WHS training and development activities. Every employees need to be done each training bellow:
- First Aid training
- Manual handling training
- Chemical awareness
- Emergency evacuation procedure
Specific training can be applied if the manager identifies this need.
- 7.3 Procedures
Any activity performed shall be followed in accordance with the Procedure defined for it. Its responsibility of the Beans provide procedure manual and training for all employees.
This policy applies to all business operations and functions, including those situations where workers are required to work off-site.
WHS Bean There Policy 2019 Date adopted: 25/02/2019
Date registered: 23/02/2019 Date commenced: 25/02/2019
Appendix E: Action plan template
Goals (Tasks) | Action required | Resources required | Source of Measurement |
Ensure that all staff members are aware of WHS policies and procedures |
| - Employees | - Trainning and induction |
Improve technical to manual handling | Creating and implementing manual work techniques | - Training information and manual | - Trainining with knowlodge and practical tests |
Insure correct use of machines and heat plates | - Train staff in correct usage procedures How to clean the machine How to froth milk Report any faults immediately | - Machines |
Ensure correct handling of food | - Map the procedures - Define the best practices - Provide the correct structure and equipment |