Por: Robertguti • 9/5/2020 • Projeto de pesquisa • 688 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 170 Visualizações
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TURMA: Contabilidade 2 Mód. COMPONENTE CURRICULAR: Língua Inglesa Professor responsável: Isabel Guimarães ATIVIDADE CORRESPONDENTE AO 1º TRIMESTRE_2020
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[pic 3] Hello!!! Are you there????
The idea that there is life in outer space is a very polemic one. Many people would like to know if there could [pic 4] be another planet, in another Solar System, which isalso inhabited by life-‐ forms. Scientists are trying to answer this [pic 5][pic 6] question. Firstly, from the Ames Space Station in California, they are sending radio message into space to contact [pic 7][pic 8] possible advanced species. Maybe, somewhere in the galaxy, extraterrestrial life forms are listening to these [pic 9][pic 10] messages. If they are, are they returning the communication? Secondly, scientists are studying the bacteria found in [pic 11][pic 12] Earth ́s outer atmosphere. It is believed that the bacteria arrived from another planet, what suggests that there may [pic 13][pic 14] be life in outer space. Finally, scientists are also investigating the markings observed on the surface of Mars. It has [pic 15][pic 16] been speculated that these are ‘channels’ created by water at some point in the planet ́s history: and water can [pic 17]
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support life.
On the other hand, not everyone believes in the possibility of life in outer space. The followers of the Center [pic 20]
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for Scientific Creation, for example, say that “many people want to believe there is life in outer space, usually life
[pic 22] that is superior to ours. They may be right. However, little rational basis exists for this belief-‐either scientific or [pic 23][pic 24] biblical”. Science has not found the solution to this enigma yet, but scientists are still looking for an answer to the old[pic 25][pic 26] question: are we alone in the universe? [pic 27]
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Você pode notar que o texto é dividido, basicamente, em três partes emáticas. Quais são elas e em que ordem aparecem no texto? Escolha uma das opções a seguir:
a. (x ) 1. polêmica sobre formas de vida na Terra; 2. uso do rádio no nosso planeta;; 3. estudos do Center for Scientific Creation.
b. ( ) 1. polêmica sobre a existência de vida extraterrestre;; 2. possíveis evidências de vida extraterrestre;; 3.
ceticismo do Center for Scientific Creation.
c. ( ) 1. procura de vida nos planetas da nossa galáxia;; 2. descobertas da Estação Espacial 21 Ames;; 3. pesquisa desenvolvida pelo Center for Scientific Creation.
O que o texto comenta a respeito de:
- the idea there is extraterrestrial life?
A idéia de que existe vida no espaço sideral é muito polêmica. Muitas pessoas gostariam de saber se poderia haver outro planeta, em outro Sistema Solar, que também é habitado por formas de vida.
- the Ames Space Station?
Estação Espacial Ames, na Califórnia, eles estão enviando mensagens de rádio ao espaço para entrar em contato com possíveis espécies avançadas.
c. bacteria found in Earth ́s outer atmosphere?
os cientistas estão estudando as bactérias encontradas na atmosfera externa da Terra. Acredita-se que as bactérias chegaram de outro planeta, o que sugere que pode haver vida no espaço sideral.