Marketing Intenacional de Expansao Nordsee
Por: francoluigi • 15/7/2015 • Pesquisas Acadêmicas • 2.523 Palavras (11 Páginas) • 147 Visualizações
An International Market Analysis on the Viability of
NORDSEE’s Expansion to the Brazilian Market: a closer
look at the Brazilian consumer and market profile
International Marketing Course
Professor Dr. rer. pol. Thomas Baaken
BA. MA PhD Sue Rossano Rivero
M. Sc. Victoria Galan Muron
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................1
Company Overview and History ......................................................................................1
International Strategy in the Middle East and MENA ..................................................2
Brazilian Consumer and Market Profile .........................................................................4
Conclusion and Recommendation with SWOT Analysis Overview .............................7
Sources ................................................................................................................................9
i. Introduction
The present academic work has its main objective in addressing the viability of the
NORDSEE fast-food chain’s expansion from the European Market to the Brazilian
Market, while taking into account the role different characteristics of each given
market play for the expansion, such as: customer profile and how it is influenced by
cultural aspects and habits, steps of an internationalization strategy and selection of
most appropriate entry strategy, as well as providing necessary links within the
current global trends in the food industry, and how these factors can affect the success
or failure of its further internationalization to the yet-unexplored Brazilian market.
Different analysis and marketing tools will be used as a form of assistance and
guidance during the carry-out of necessary evaluations for the buying-decision
process and whether or not NORDSEE GmbH should move forward with an
intercontinental expansion to Brazil. In order to provide more tangible examples and
be able to make adequate forecast projections of its likeability of success in Brazil,
the company’s previous experience of expansion to the Middle East and North Africa
will be used as reference source of comparison.
ii. Company Overview and History
As title of background and backup information for this study, the German NORDSEE
Holding GmbH is the largest franchising fast-food chain company in Europe
specialized in serving healthy and pleasurable – with a luxurious touch – fish dishes
from the North Sea through – in 2012 – about 400 sales outlets in Europe and in the
Middle East. NORDSEE Holding GmbH privately owns their restaurants in Germany
and Austria, however they are also present in Slovakia, Romania, Russia, Czech
Republic, Dubai, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Egypt, Hungary, Belgium, Italy and Poland
through their franchising system. The history of NORDSEE dates back to 1896 when
Adolf Vinnen founded the “Deutsche Dampffischerei-Gesellschaft NORDSEE” in
Bremen, Germany. The major objective of the company during the time of its
foundation in 1896 was to provide fresh seafood to locations far away from the coast
in the quickest possible way, thus also leading to the opening of the first restaurant in
Bremen in the same year. Taking into consideration that NORDSEE is a secular
company, it has gone through many restructurations, mergers and acquisitions, having
belonged already to Unilever and Dresdner Bank during the 80’s. Although nowadays
the company belongs to the Kamps Food Retail Investment Group since its
acquisition in 2005, its headquarters remain close to its origins in Bremerhaven,
Germany. The restaurant chain also employs about 6.000 employees between their
headquarters and sales outlets.
The restaurant’s business concept focuses not solely on the servings of restrained
seafood dishes as in regular restaurants, however their approach has been constantly
evolving within the years to – in the eighties – culminate in a spin-off concept which
unfolded into the three business areas present nowadays: restaurant (in-house
gastronomy), take-away snack sale and retail. Each one of these business areas
respectively accounted in 2012 for 50%, 38% and 12% generation of total net sales in
the amount of € 349Mio out of approximately 81Mio purchasing transactions
conducted by around 19Mio customers in Europe and in the Middle East.
iii. International Strategy in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Within the same business line and concept it was already present in Europe,
NORDSEE chose the Middle Eastern market as a target to expand its operations for