- Trabalhos, Monografias, Artigos, Exames, Resumos de livros, Dissertações


Por:   •  5/11/2016  •  Abstract  •  275 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  359 Visualizações

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The present study it approaches the subject Marketing Politician, that is constituted by

strategies so that a candidate can be elect. The image of the candidate needs to be spread for

the voter-target, so that this can have science of all the projects and action of the candidate

and then to transform into vote. The methodology used in this work was the exploratory

bibliographical research. In the first chapter, we will present the Marketing and its tools that

must be used for the elaboration of the strategies. In as the chapter, we will present the

definition, the functioning, the historical evolution and the stages of the Marketing Politician,

as well as the importance of the post electoral process. In chapter three, we will approach on

the politics and the electoral process, and the history and performance of the political parties

portraying its importance, and will explain on the Brazilian politics and its functioning, as

well as on the functionality of the Electoral Code and the importance to know it. In chapter

four, we will inside present the Administration applied to the Marketing Politician and its

tools of the context of the construction of the strategies. In chapter five, we will deal with to

the ethics and the responsibilities, having propagated critical sense of our Real politics and the

performance of the Brazilian society as a whole. In chapter six, we will describe some

examples of success of the performance of the Marketing Politician. In the conclusion, we

inside made consideration on the Marketing Politician and the importance of the use of the

tools, that when used well they stimulate for the effectiveness, not leaving of side the

responsibilities and its performance of the politics and the society.

KEYWORDS: Marketing Politician, Marketing Post Electoral, Ethical,



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