A importância do marketing
Por: Kleber Figueiredo • 18/12/2015 • Pesquisas Acadêmicas • 4.490 Palavras (18 Páginas) • 292 Visualizações
Regarding the marketing plan, a formal document of planning done strategically and categorically that is used to direct and coordinate the work. This research will evaluate the marketing plan and its importance from its usefulness for various areas of business to your organization, and demonstrate the real benefits achieved by entering the marketing plan. Demonstrating the purposes for which the marketing plan has at disposal.
Keywords: Marketing. Project. Marketing plan. Strategies.
It is known que When it comes to the marketing plan we face a formal document of strategic planning and categocica done form que is used to direct and coordinate the work. This research will evaluate the marketing plan and its importance from its usefulness for various areas of business to your organization, and the Manda real benefits Achieved by entering the marketing plan. Demonstrating the purposes for Which the marketing plan has at disposal.
Keywords: Marketing. Project. Marketing plan. Strategies
It is natural to have the perception that such brand or company "makes a lot of marketing." Statements of this type exist for many believe that marketing and advertising are synonymous. However, marketing is based towards producing results, thus requiring broad concept of the factors that influence buying behavior.
Globalization is a reality and many companies deal daily with customers, suppliers and employees, even in different parts of the world, making the "marketing" something fundamental for enterprise development. This interaction between countries cause great impact on business, in many ways, and the company has to increasingly use creativity to suit this world order, and the marketing is essential for companies to achieve success.
Globalization pushes companies to negotiate with other nations and increasing the need to reach a new target audience, and what should be the strategies adopted to achieve this end.
According to Drucker (1997, p. 47) "When the company outlines goals and objectives, and seeks to achieve them, it has clearly defined why it exists, what and how to do, and you're getting at." These are the basic questions for the preparation and implementation of this tool. The Marketing appears as a strong tool capable of assisting the activities of the company.
To adapt to this process, organizations must evolve, creating new job functions and develop skills that combine analysis and business intelligence knowledge with solid understanding of traditional marketing operations, campaign concepts and recipes .The performance and technology Professional management is increasingly linked and technology. (Ataídes, 2003 p 40-13).
So there was a division of the catchment area of management science, generating several flaps, dividing the task of managing the company. Some of these plots are: Administration: Finance, Production, Public administration, Materials Management, Marketing, People Management, Management of Information Systems.
The marketing, at the heart of the business function, when properly governed, by administrators who act efficiently integrates all the functions performed in a company, such as production, finance, logistics, human resources, information systems, product engineering, technological research , among others, who manage resources and deliver results to insert economic value in the business process. Therefore, the complex marketing function includes decision-making, resource management, coordination processes and the evaluation of results, like any other business function.
Given the importance of marketing, the purpose of this article is to alert managers and students of the area to the great importance of this tool in the current scenario.
Thus, this study will result in great benefits for businesses because some do not have, still, a strategic marketing culture, and this study will provide the opportunity to know its benefits and its importance, for through these look the improvement of their development, with regard to production, sales and billing, and customer acquisition.
As to the objectives of this work, took the overall objectives to demonstrate through research carried out, the possible benefits of using a marketing plan in companies.
In relation to the specific objectives established itself in: Show how companies can get a good execution of a marketing plan. Explain the importance of the marketing plan and how it can assist in achieving the desired goals. Exposing the concept and the various stages of conducting a marketing plan and thus outline its implementation.
2- Company - Definition and evolution
According to Franco (1991), it is now every entity incorporated under any legal form for exploration of an economic activity, whether commercial, industrial, agricultural or service.
Company is the organization with the purpose of exercising activities of production and circulation of commodities, goods and services, under the direction of a natural or legal person who is the manager.
Never the world witnessed such a rapid evolution of products and services. When a new mobile device, in a few months he is overtaken by a more modern. This happens with everything: transportation, infrastructure, computers, televisions and many others.
However, to a greater or lesser extent, everyone must keep pace with technological developments in the world. On a larger scale, the same goes for companies that have to renew and innovate to avoid losing to competition.
Many companies that exist in childhood for many, no longer exist. It is difficult to find any surviving. The disappearance of these companies in many cases it is because they stopped in time, outdated and antiquated. They did not use marketing to maintain market and continue to attract customers.
3- Marketing - Meaning and Purpose
"You wake up in consumers their repressed needs and demonstrate how to meet them through products and / or services." (NÓBREGA, Moacir, 2008, p.58-62).
According to Ataides (2003, p. 46) "marketing is the process of planning and concept of completion, price, communication and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals."
In our times with such a globalized world there is much talk in marketing and techniques. Marketing is nothing but a way that humans found to discover and solve problems, and techniques they use to attract others.