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Brazil Phama Marketing

Artigo: Brazil Phama Marketing. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  27/2/2015  •  Artigo  •  231 Palavras (1 Páginas)  •  280 Visualizações

Population: 195 million.

6th largest population in the world.

Life expectancy at birth m/f (years) : 70/77 – 14 million people has more than 65 years.

GDP: 2,089 Trillions of USD

GDP per Capita: 11.767 USD

Total expenditure on health per capita (Intl US$): 943,00 USD

Total expenditure on health as % of GDP: 9,0

(Source: IBGE)

Market Sales: 45 billion reais – increase 18% in 2012.

Projection – 87 billion reais in 2017. (source: Valor econômico)

7th largest market in the world in 2012.

Projection – 6th place in 2015.

Sales in Q1/2013 – 12,7 billion (source: IMS)

66,500 Drugstores (source DCI)

71% of population pay to have acess medicines

Economic Class C- 42%

Economic Class B - 37%

Economic Class A and D - 10%

(source : Valor econômico, 2012)

1- High taxes on medicines

- According research developed with 38 countries by

Imperial College of Londom , Brasil has higher taxes (35-38%).

- 3x more than the average obtained by the analysis of other countries.

2- Needs to increase the participation to Federal

Govern to pay and provide free medicines.

3- Regulatory Enviroment and Requirements

To market a drug in Brazil should first obtain registration approval


Long timeline to get approval:12 to 24 months (average 18 months)

After approval is need price approval by CMED (+/- 3 months)

Since 2003 the Regulatory requirements are more complex

(critical phase to get to market a drug in Brazil)


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