Por: nsge78 • 19/1/2016 • Trabalho acadêmico • 1.407 Palavras (6 Páginas) • 325 Visualizações
BSC (Hons): Degree in Business
Management & Information Technology
Assignment Title: Marketing Management
Lecture: John Bredican
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Table of Content
Market Analysis……………………………………………………………………...…2
The Competition Analysis……………………………………………………………..3
Analysis the Company/Internal……………………………………………………..…4
SWOT Analysis………………………………………………………………………...5
Setting Objectives……………………………………………………………………...6
Choice of Strategies options……………………………………………………………7
In a large company all projects should be submitted for the approval of their high administration, as soon as the executive summary is a brief summary of the proposed plan, with the main goals and recommendations, directing the administration of the company with the purpose of a rapid assessment, so that there is a prior knowledge of pre-established goal, goals to be followed and the way more viable for an achievement objective and above all satisfactory.
The Executive Summary should contain a clear data regarding the situation of the company, product, and all the points that will be the basis for the work the expected objective, such as: For each a profit target of such value, it would have required a sales target in relation to the previous year and therefore a greater participation in the transport market. Being that for this purpose will be precisely certain improvements such as price, advertising and distribution; taking into consideration the marketing budget required and which the margin of increase or restraint in relation to the previous plan.
Market Analysis:
The company should review thoroughly the market, as far as their general characteristics and their segments, characterizing them with the greatest degree of possible depth.
In parallel, it should carry out an analysis of the surrounding environment, studying the external factors that may influence negatively or positively the market in which it operates.
The competition Analysis:
Competition Analysis and their products or services, by Analysing the general characteristics of the competitive structure must be identified the strengths and weaknesses of the main competitors.
Analysis of the company/internal:
Analysis the company itself, seeking to identify the main strengths and weaknesses of the company compared to its competitors.
Swot Analysis:
Completed analysis-diagnosis, and for a better understanding and use of the collected information is fundamental synthesize all the information through the construction of a Swot analysis.
Setting objectives:
The setting of objectives is an essential step, in so far as it is at this stage that begins to define the strategy and the path to follow. These are the guiding light of the company's activities, and must therefore be ambitious, realistic, specific and measurable, defined in time and broken down by partial objectives easy to transmit and assimilate, constituting in last instance the basis for the assessment and monitoring of the performance of the company, with respect to the defined strategy.
Choice of strategic options:
Defined the objectives, the company should define what the role to play in the market and for this reason set consistently:
Targets: The Company must identify here which segments target to that if you want to go.
Market Sources: The Company must identify where you will find your customers, to achieve their objectives. The company must here clearly define which products with which will compete.
The great challenge that confronts us with the company is to achieve occupy a distinctive place in the consumer's mind, that differentiate the product or company of its competitors.
This step constitutes a step often defined as operational marketing, which consists in applying the strategy previously defined the four variables of the Marketing Mix - Product, Price, Distribution and Communication.
Product: The product or service is broken down into four elements likely to represent a greater or lesser effort and investment on the part of companies. The variable product from origin to product mix that should be analysed and worked on Marketing Plan.
Product or service in the strict sense: it is the way the product is seen from the perspective of its attributes such as its composition, size, structure, flavour, aroma, design.
The packaging: in addition to the classic functions of protection, maintenance, storage and transport, their functions of communication has been gaining increasing importance, assuming increasingly the role of promotional vehicle, which has come to be called the allowing an exhibition attractive.
Brand: Element identifier per excellence, with characteristics required for easy recognition and memorization, distinctive and capable of protection and registration.
The distinctive feature of the mark may be associated with the product alone, when this has the capacity and economic autonomy for benefit of advertising support.