Mix de marketing
Por: Diogo Pereira • 12/1/2016 • Trabalho acadêmico • 4.467 Palavras (18 Páginas) • 544 Visualizações
Licentiate degree in Marketing, Advertisement and Public Relations
Applied English
1º Semestre, 2015/2016
The four P’s of marketing
Paula Almeida
João Martins
[pic 2]
Instituto Superior de Paços de Brandão
Avenida Escolar - Apartado 99 4536-906 Paços de Brandão
Marketing Mix
Marketing Mix Brand analysis
Product analysis
Price analysis
Place analysis
Promotion analysis
Table index, figures & images
Figure 1 – The four Ps.
Figure 2 – Product life cycle
Image 1 – Niketown
Image 2 – Nike publicity
Image 3 – Nike spoken by blog “Corre mais rápido”
Image 4 – Nike Store
The marketing concerns to the set of activities that prospective analysis, planning and control of programs to serve the demand for services and quality products and profit for a company, serving the customer needs.
That way, the marketing is an area that presupposes the existence of an exchange of a benefit which has to meet the customer needs, and cost. With a competition, marketing has the intention to benefit this Exchange, creating value to the benefit and differentiation from the competition.
According to Chiavenato (2005), “The concept of marketing envolves actions like sell, publish, propagate, promote, distribute, set price, build brand, serve the customer and, about everything, enchants him e loyalty it”. It is in this sense that a brand or company has the goal to outline strategies for attract and keep costumers, creating with they a trust relationship and credibility.
It is in this context that the Marketing Mix concept, on which this paper focuses.
The main objective of this work is then the study of the marketing mix, with a view to theoretical research and practical application, in order to deepen knowledge in this area.
As future professional in the marketing, advertising and public relations,
this will be an important issue, not only to understand and know concepts related but also the utmost importance for the development of marketing initiatives that the company uses to pursue your goals.
This work is divided into two sections which in my opinion are the most relevant.
The first concerns the review of the literature which analyze the Marketing Mix concept, as well as the elements that are part of it - product, price, place and promotion.
The second corresponds to a practical application which will analyze 4p’s defined by a brand in relation to a product.
Marketing Mix
Marketing Mix, also known as marketing composite or 4P’s, designed by McCarthy, is the set of tools – in other words, operating variables of marketing – that a brand or a company uses to persue their market goals in the target market.
These tools are ranked in 4 large groups, the 4P’s of marketing: product, price, place and promotion (or communication).
The product is about the quality, design and its features.
The price is about its establishment, discounts and payment methods.
The place means the distribution methods and outlets, or the locations which the product will be available to the public.
Finally, the promotion relates with disclosure, and it’s here we can talk about communication mix that will recognize the importance of the various communication strategies, for example personal selling, advertising, direct marketing, sales promotion, interactive marketing / internet , patronage/sponsorship and public relations.
Kotler (2000, p. 38), said that: “the 4P's represent the vision that the selling company has about the marketing tools available to influence buyers.”
[pic 3]
Figure 1 – The four Ps.
Source: CHURCHILL Jr.; PETER, 2005, p. 20.
To talk about a product, we should realize before how marketing defines a product or service
According to Kotler (2000), the product is something that can be offered a market to your enjoyment, use or consumption in an attempt to satisfy a want, need or demand.
With the evolution of society and the marketing, companies try to satisfy costumer needs, which is important for creating new products, but also for a maintenance of other products, if this is convenient for the brand.
The product should be designed in client function, to which the products and services offer in addition to their functional utility, a symbolic content. (Schön et Bernar, (n.d.); 94)
In addition to the creation or maintenance of products, there are a number of factors relating to the product, which help capture the costumer’s attention, and result, to increase sales.
That way, it is essential novelty, quality, features and advantages of its use, comfort and packaging.
According to Costa (1987), it is like a complex of tangible attributes (color, packaging, design) and intangible (brand reputation, providing after-sales services) to might be offered to a market for consideration and acquisition, use or consumption and must satisfy a desire or necessity.