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O Trabalhinho Marketing

Por:   •  14/7/2021  •  Relatório de pesquisa  •  312 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  194 Visualizações

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The Problem

The company has a very good store environment, conveying different feelings in different areas.

However, the atmosphere of the POS at Marques Soares-Jovem is gloomy. The company is betting on darker tones such as black, mouse gray, brown and concrete texture / color.

Regarding to the reproduction of music in the store of the building on Rua das Galerias de Paris (Young), the volume is very high, making it difficult to use the auditory

sense when inside the store. The color combination of the POS environment with the lighting is not so pleasant, as the company opted to use yellow spotlights on the black

vinyl floor in different areas, which causes discomfort and poor lighting for the exhibitors.

Another adversity is the lack of payment counters on this floor of the building as customers move to this floor to leave the store space. The point of sale is confusing,

which can cause customers to stay in the store for a short time without exploring other sales departments.

The proposal / solution

My proposal for the company would be to carry out the reorganization of the store space, in order to attract the consumer and possible new customers, since the point of

sale is located in an area with a large number of passersby.

I therefore propose that the company reorganize and redecorate the point of sale. I propose a change in all store and product lighting, opting instead for a white light,

LED, to create a more pure and visually clean environment for customers.

I also suggest redecorating the space, changing the color of the floor and the space; opting for lighter or brighter tones,organize a better customer path and reduce the

volume of background music and choose the most current playlists, so that the customer can capture other sensations, and it is easier to keep the customer in the store

for longer to observe more products.


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