Organização Mundial Do Comercio
Artigo: Organização Mundial Do Comercio. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: ddani • 3/11/2013 • 623 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 289 Visualizações
Los productores de algodón buscan alcanzar compromisos en Bali, dado que los niveles de ayuda al algodón siguen siendo considerables.
El Presidente de las negociaciones sobre la agricultura dijo a los Miembros el 30 de octubre de 2013 que tendrían que actuar rápido si deseaban que se acordase un texto sobre el algodón en la Conferencia Ministerial de Bali, que tendrá lugar del 3 al 6 de diciembre, tras la propuesta, distribuída recientemente, de cuatro productores de algodón del Africa subsahariana.
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ESTA NOTICIA tiene como finalidad ayudar al público a comprender los nuevos acontecimientos de la OMC. Si bien se ha hecho todo lo posible para asegurar que el contenido de la información sea exacto, ésta se entiende sin perjuicio de las posiciones de los gobiernos Miembros.
> Subcomité sobre el algodón
> Negociaciones sobre la agricultura:
> Desarollo:
> “Cuadro evolutivo” sobre la asistencia: serie WT/CFMC/6...
> Reforma interna del sector del algodón: serie WT/CFMC/21...
> Listas de documentos y reuniones: serie WT/CFMC/W/24...
> Todos los documentos: serie WT/CFMC...
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“The [Cotton Four] proposal has arrived quite late in the preparatory process for the Bali meeting,” Ambassador John Adank of New Zealand said. “As a consequence, relevant members will have to engage very quickly in discussions to explore possible areas of convergence relating to what could be an outcome on cotton at the Bali Ministerial Conference.”
He added that he would work with former Ambassador Steffen Smidt of Denmark — who chairs work on least developed countries in preparation for the Bali meeting — in order to start consultations as soon as possible.
The four want a decision at the conference to allow cotton from least developed countries duty-free, quota-free market access into developed countries and at least some developing countries by 2015, to eliminate any remaining export subsidies for cotton in developed countries immediately. They are also asking for a decision by the end of 2014 on how to cut domestic support for cotton.
On behalf of the Cotton 4 (Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad and Mali), Chad said an interim agreement is needed in Bali, which would help lay down a clear programme for cotton within the agriculture negotiations in the long term. A number of members welcomed the proposal and noted that work should start immediately to find what can be achieved at the Bali ministerial conference.
The agriculture negotiations’ chair and Chad were speaking in a consultation meeting on development assistance