Ensaio: Starbucks. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: camilaizdn • 12/4/2013 • Ensaio • 346 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 659 Visualizações
1) Have you ever consumed in Starbucks or consumed Starbucks products?
a) Yes
b) No
2) If you have never visit it, why not?
a) It’s too expensive
b) I don’t like Starbucks
c) I prefer the others coffeehouses
d) I don’t drink coffee
e) Other, please specify: _________________________________
3) How often do you visit Starbucks and stay there for coffee?
a) Almost everyday
b) > 3 times a week
c) 1-2 times a week
d) 1-3 times a month
e) Several times a year
4) Why do you go to Starbucks? (Please mark the top 3 reasons)
a) For the coffee
b) For other drinks excluding the coffee (e.g. hot chocolate/tea)
c) For the food
d) For surfing the internet
e) For chatting with friends
f) For doing business/meeting partners
g) For experiencing the American culture
h) It’s near my office/home/mall
i) It is fashionable
j) Friendly service
k) Other, please specify:________________________________
5) Do you visit other coffeehouses? If yes, mark the one you prefer most.
a) Krispy Kreme
b) Dunkin Donuts
c) Costa
6) How do you regard Starbucks as a brand?
a) a high-end brand
b) an upper- middle brand
c) a middle brand
d) a lower brand
7) How would you rate the service?
a) Very poor
b) Poor
c) Neutral
d) Good
e) Very good
8) How would you rate the atmosphere?
a) Very poor
b) Poor
c) Neutral
d) Good
e) Very good
9) How would you rate the hygiene of the coffee shop?
a) Very poor
b) Poor
c) Neutral
d) Good
e) Very good
10) How would you rate the speed of service?
a) Very poor
b) Poor
c) Neutral
d) Good
e) Very good