Teste de Gestão de Marketing
Por: Ana Pereira • 16/6/2021 • Exam • 722 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 151 Visualizações
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Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________
Student number: __________________________
Marketing Management – Midterm Test – 7th of November 2020
Important instructions:
- The test is 1h30 long.
- The test is composed by 3 groups; students have 20 minutes to reply to each group, plus 10 minutes for the download of the group, saving and upload of the document with the answer (i.e. 30 minutes in total).
- Students should clearly justify all the answers and define the concepts used. Students should explicit all the assumptions they have made to answer the different questions.
- Before starting to write their answer to each group, students should write their complete name and student number at the top of the page.
- The answer to each group should be provided in a separate Word document, using Times News Roman 12 and 1,5 space between lines.
- The file with the reply to each group should be saved under the name: Group Number_Student First Name Student Last Name
- The reply to each group should be saved in Word (or exported to docx. or doc., in case you use another text processer), so that the plagiarism control instruments can be used.
Students should submit their answers to each group, within the time frame established, by uploading the Word document in Campus Online, through safe assignment in the same place they accessed to download the group
Group 1 (7 marks)
Nacional is a Portuguese food brand. With a long tradition in Portugal, Nacional brand has always closely followed the trends of Portuguese lifestyles and the evolution of consumption habits and behaviors. Today, Nacional has an extended portfolio of four product categories: pasta, flour, breakfast cereals and biscuits. Wheat pastas are produced using durum wheat semolina.
Nacional pastas are a 100% natural food that come in a wide variety of shapes that can be used in main dishes, side dishes, soups and even desserts. Focusing on consumer’s well-being, the brand has created new ranges of products, such as pastas enriched with fibre and vegetables and also healthy pastas, which are produced without chemical additives and with organic raw ingredients.
- (4 marks) How did the understanding of the marketing environment lead to the development of the new product range? What are the main trends that this strategy of Nacional brand aims to address?
- (3 marks) For Nacional brand, it is critical to know its consumers and competitors very well to create a distinctive and sustainable positioning strategy in the long term. In terms of competitive analysis:
- (1,5 marks) Who could be its direct and indirect competitors? (you do not have to specify any brand names; you can elaborate your answer based on the reality/market of your origin country).
- (1,5 marks) What would be your suggestions for Nacional brand to monitor and assess its competitors (criteria/dimensions)?
Grupo 1 (7 valores)
A Nacional é uma marca Portuguesa posicionada no setor da alimentação. Com uma longa história de tradição em Portugal, a Nacional tem acompanhado a evolução dos estilos de vida dos portugueses, ajustando-se aos novos comportamentos e hábitos de consumo. Hoje, a Nacional estende o seu portefólio a quatro categorias de produtos: massas alimentícias, farinhas, cereais de pequeno-almoço e bolachas. Fabricadas a partir da sêmola de trigo duro, as massas Nacional são um alimento 100% natural. Apresentam uma grande variedade de formatos que permitem preparar pratos principais, acompanhamentos, sopas e até sobremesas. A pensar no bem-estar dos nossos consumidores a Nacional criou duas linhas de produtos: as massas enriquecidas com fibras e com vegetais e ainda as massas “saudáveis”. Estas últimas são produzidas exclusivamente com trigos duros, cultivados segundo os métodos de produção de agricultura biológica