O Apoio à Gestão
Por: Mariane Salles de Medeiros • 4/4/2023 • Projeto de pesquisa • 1.604 Palavras (7 Páginas) • 61 Visualizações
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Import and Export
Apoio à Gestão
Aluna: Mariane Salles de Medeiros
Professor: Pedro Roriz
Braga, 28 de Dezembro de 2022
The present work was developed as a proposal for the English discipline, in the Management Support course at IPCA Braga, one of its objectives is to define what is International Trade. With globalization, the world is more connected and, therefore, people and goods move more easily and quickly between the borders of countries and continents. This is what International Trade is all about, which, as the name implies, refers to the exchange of products and services between countries, whether in purchase (import) or sale (export), encompassing all the procedures necessary for its realization. In Portugal, International Trade is divided between Extra-Community Trade and Intra-Community Trade, the first deals with the Export of goods from Portugal to third countries and/or the Importation by Portugal of goods originating in third countries, the second deals with Dispatch and/or Arrival of goods traded between Portugal and the other Member States of the European Union, these two themes will be seen in this work, and I will also speak briefly about the concept of trade balance and coverage rate, the first one referring to the difference between exports and imports ones by a country in a given period, while the second shows these rates in percentage. Taking into account that we all currently look for goods and services on the Internet, I will talk about Electronic Commerce and its relationship with International Trade, and finally I will demonstrate through graphics some indices on the Imports and Exports of food carried out in Portugal in the year 2020.
The method that was used to carry out this work was secondary source research, conducting searches on the internet.
The initial idea was to conduct a case study with Mercadona Supermarkets, talking about the imports of products from Spain, the country of origin of the supermarket, so I searched the internet and the company's website, but I could not get enough information for the basis of this work, as an alternative, I sent an email to the network requesting some information on this topic, stating that these data would be used for the development of this work, in response, they told me that all data that can be shared with the public are already exposed on the company's website. Given the little amount of information about Mercadona's import system, I changed the theme of the work to a broader approach to the Export and Import theme.
During my research, I came across data regarding Exports and Imports made by Portugal during the year 2020, and this information aroused my curiosity, and I decided to incorporate this information into my work, generating some graphs that show these values. For this activity, I manipulated the data from the survey page, organize them, and then export them to Excel, and then use the graph generation tool.
This work was structured in Portuguese, my mother tongue, and then translated into English, I considered the fact that I do not have many skills with the English language and do not have a very well formed vocabulary, I would have to stop several times to look up terms in the dictionary, while using the subsequent translation, I did not interrupt the line of thought during the writing of the work, and then I did its translation intensively.
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Tables Indexes
EU regions considered extra-EU for customs purposes
Intracommunity Trade:
The European Union has an internal market, allowing the free movement of goods, people, services and capital, as well as a common Customs Union, so we can understand that there are no “borders” in terms of the exchange of goods from these States. Therefore, in intra-community trade, the correct term to apply is Admission, in the case of receiving goods, and Expedition for sending them. As it is still not possible for the Member States to have the same VAT - Value Added Tax rates (a tax levied on consumption that taxes products, services and transactions), various instruments were created, such as the VIES - Value- Added Tax Information Exchange Ssystem, it is not a tax itself, but a search engine for current VAT in the EU Country.
Extra-Community Trade:
As previously stated, Extra-Community Trade is the import or export of products to countries that are not members of the EU.
To send goods to Non-Community Countries, shippers have to send detailed information and fill in an Electronic Advance Data, it provides customs officials in the country of destination with all the information they need to complete their inspections. This data includes sender and recipient details and the item's content and is sent in advance to customs officials in the destination country before the item physically arrives at the border. Accordingly, this declaration includes the following elements:
- Origin of goods;
- Destiny country;
- Goods codes;
- Customs regime codes;
- Value of goods.
The presentation of the declaration can be done by the transport company or by a customs representative at the customs office in the area where the company is located or where the goods are being loaded for export. At this moment, one of three situations can happen: the load gets an exit order, can be selected for document verification or even for a physical control.
In addition, it is necessary to bear in mind that some regions of the European Union (EU) are considered extra-community for customs purposes, the table below has some examples of countries that requireattention:
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Completing the Electronic Advance Data, is a recent requirement, has been in force since January 1, 2021 and aims to increase security, combating terrorism and counterfeiting as it is possible to assess the conformity of the goods for transport, namely by air, and cross this information with international databases; this also allows automatic processing of customs declarations, streamlining customs clearance processes.
Trade Balance:
Basically it is the difference between the values of Imports and Exports of a country, including products, goods and services. When this difference is POSITIVE, which means that there are more Exports than Imports, it is said that the Country has a Trade Surplus, and when this difference is NEGATIVE, this means that there are more Imports than Exports, it is said that the Country has a Trade Deficit, that is, the Country may be spending more than it produces or buying more than selling, when these two values are equal it is called Trade Equilibrium. In 2021 Portugal closed with a Trade Deficit of 5,569.4 thousand Euros, being the difference between 89,142.9 million Euros in Exports and 94,712.3 million Euros in Imports.