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MetLife Expatriate App (MetLife Expat App) Troubleshooting Guide

This is a Troubleshooting Guide for the Global Employee Benefits Expatriate App (MetLife Expat App).

The MetLife Expat App supports Member roles that have migrated from Legacy eBenefits to the GSvP Web Portal. The MetLife Expat App allows Member Users to search for medical and dental providers, view, email, and request ID cards, view policy documents, view claims information, and submit claims.  

For a visual overview of the MetLife Expat App, please reference the MetLife Expatriate (MetLife Expat App) Mobile App Visual Overview Slide Deck. 

For a detailed introductory overview of the MetLife Expat App, please reference the MetLife Global Employee Benefits Expatriate Mobile App (MetLife Expat App) Overview Document.

Table of Contents

Overview of Supported MetLife Expat App Features        

Commonly Encountered Issues        

Downloading MetLife Expat App        

Unable to Locate the MetLife Expat App in the Apple Store and Google Play Store        

Sign In        

Unable to Login        

Error Messages/App Crashes        

App Displays Error Message (System Unavailable, Transaction Not Processed, Web Service Data Unavailable)        

App Exited Unexpectedly (“Crashed”)        

Main Menu        


Change Language        

Unable to Locate the Change Language Option        

Expected Language Does Not Display        

Find a Provider        

Unable to Search Current Location in Find a Provider        

Unable to Return Results from Find a Provider Search        


Cannot View their ID Card or Other PDF Documents on Android Device        


Cannot View Last Edited Claim Information After Timeout        

Cannot Attach Images to the Claim        

Cannot Continue an Online Claim Draft within the MetLife Expat App        

Unable to Search for a Recently Submitted Claim        

Issue Not Listed/Report An Issue:        

User Information        

Overview of Supported MetLife Expat App Features

Devices and Operating System Versions Supported in the MetLife Expat App:

  • Apple iPhone Devices iOS version 6.0 or greater
  • Android Devices OS version 2.3 or greater

Languages Supported in the MetLife Expat App:

  • English
  • Spanish
  • Korean
  • Hindi
  • Arabic
  • Simplified Chinese

Features Not Supported in the MetLife Expat App:

  • Sign In—The following roles are not supported:
  • Admin User Roles
  • Client (Employer) User Role
  • Legacy eBenefits User Role

  • Provider Search—The following provider searches are not supported in the GEB and must be done from the GSvP Web Portal:
  • US Provider Search
  • International EAP

  • Claims Features—The following claim features are not supported and must be done from the GSvP Web Portal:        
  • Submit a Claim—submitting a claim with a New Wire Transfer.
  • Saved Claims—continuing a claim with a New Wire Transfer.

Commonly Encountered Issues

Downloading MetLife Expat App

Unable to Locate the MetLife Expat App in the Apple Store and Google Play Store

Resolution 1: Confirm that the user is not using an Android device that is running an OS version 2.2 or below.

  • The MetLife Expat App does not support Android devices running OS versions 2.2 or below.

Resolution 2: Confirm that the user not using an iPhone device 5.9 or below.

  • The MetLife Expat App does not support Apple devices running iOS versions 5.9 or below.

Resolution 3: Confirm that the user is not user a Windows Phone device

  • The MetLife Expat App does not support Windows Phone devices.

Resolution 4: If problem persists, collect the User Information on the template below.

Sign In

Unable to Login

Resolution 1: Confirm that the user is connected to internet.

  • The user must be connected via Wi-Fi or Mobile Data Plan.
  • The user cannot be in -flight mode.
  • The user must have a mobile data indicator icon on their phone (the device should display as 4G, Wi-Fi symbol, E or G)

Resolution 2: Ask if the user has received an invalid password error message and how many unsuccessful login attempts have they encountered?

  • Ask the user to re-enter password. Note: The user will be locked out on the 5th unsuccessful login attempt.
  • Inform the user that they must login with GSvP member credentials ONLY. The app does not support Admin, Client, or Legacy eBenefits Users.
  • Legacy eBenefits Users must re-register on GSvP web portal, and log into the app with their new GSvP credentials to access the app features.

Resolution 3: Ask the user if they have received a locked out error message.

  • If the user is locked out of the app, request that a GSvP admin user reset the member’s GSvP password.

Resolution 4: If the problem persists, collect the User Information on the template below.

Error Messages/App Crashes

App Displays Error Message (System Unavailable, Transaction Not Processed, Web Service Data Unavailable)

Resolution 1: Confirm that the user is connected to internet.

  • The user must be connected via Wi-Fi or Mobile Data Plan.
  • The user cannot be in -flight mode.
  • The user must have a mobile data indicator icon on their phone (the device should display as 4G, Wi-Fi symbol, E or G)

Resolution 2: Advise the user to try completing the same action via a stronger data connection.

  •  If the cellular connection is slow, advise the user to try again from a different location with a stronger cellular connection or connect via Wi-Fi connection.
  • If the Wi-Fi connection is slow, advise the user to try again from a different location with a stronger Wi-Fi connection or connect via cellular connection.

Resolution 3: Advise the user to try completing the same action at a later time.

  • Inform the user that this may be an intermittent server issue and that he or she should try again later.

Resolution 4: If the problem persists, collect the User Information on the template below.

App Exited Unexpectedly (“Crashed”)

Resolution 1: Confirm that the user is connected to internet.

  • The user must be connected via Wi-Fi or Mobile Data Plan.
  • The user cannot be in -flight mode.
  • The user must have a mobile data indicator icon on their phone (the device should display as 4G, Wi-Fi symbol, E or G)

Resolution 2: Advise the user to try completing the same action via a better data connection.

  •  If the cellular connection is slow, advise the user to try again from a different location with a stronger cellular connection or connect via Wi-Fi connection.
  • If the Wi-Fi connection is slow, advise the user to try again from a different location with a stronger Wi-Fi connection or connect via cellular connection. .

Resolution 3: If problem persists, collect the User Information on the template below.

Main Menu

Unable to See All Main Menu Options (Find A Medical Provider, Claims, Schedule of Benefits, ID Cards, Docs & Forms, Contact Us).

Resolution 1: Confirm that the user is not a partially terminated user and is able to view similar options on the GSvP web portal

  • Users that are in partially terminated eBenefits status will have limited options in the MetLife Expat app.

Resolution 2: If problem persists, collect the User Information on the template below.

Change Language

Unable to Locate the Change Language Option

Resolution 1: Inform the user of the Change Language option location.[pic 1][pic 2]

[pic 3]


Resolution 2: If problem persists, collect the User Information on the template below. [pic 4]

Expected Language Does Not Display

Resolution 1: Ask the user to login and change their language in their profile preferences from the GSvP web portal.

  • If the user changes the language from the GSvP web portal, this language change will cascade to the MetLife Expat App.
  • After changing the language, the user will be asked to confirm the language change when they log into the MetLife Expat App.

Resolution 2: If problem persists, collect the User Information on the template below.

Find a Provider

Unable to Search Current Location in Find a Provider

Resolution 1: Ask the user to check the GPS settings and permissions on their device.

  • For Android, the user should go to the following: Setting-> Location -> GPS or Mode (High Accuracy)
  • For iPhone, the user should go to the following: General -> Privacy ->Location Services-> Metlife Expat -> values (1. Never, Always)

Resolution 2: If problem persists, collect the User Information on the template below.

Unable to Return Results from Find a Provider Search

Resolution 1: Ask the user if they are trying to Find Providers in the US?  Inform the user that US provider search is not supported in the MetLife Expat App

  • The user can search for US provider from the GSvP web portal only.

Resolution 2: Request that the user search a specific city or address and increase the search radius.

Resolution 3: If problem persists, collect the User Information on the template below.

ID Card/Schedule of Benefits/ Docs & Forms

Cannot View their ID Card or Other PDF Documents on Android Device

Resolution 1: Confirm that the user is not using an Android device that is running an OS version 2.2 or below.

  • The MetLife Expat App does not support Android devices running OS versions 2.2 or below.

Resolution 2: Ask the user to confirm if they have a PDF viewer installed on the phone.

  • Suggest that the user install Adobe Reader on the phone if they do not have a PDF viewer installed.

Resolution 3: If problem persists, collect the User Information on the template below.


Cannot View Last Edited Claim Information after Timeout

Resolution 1: Inform the user that there is no auto-save in the claims submission feature. The user must actively save the entered claim information throughout the claim submission process

  • The user may save via the following options:
  • Select the Save Icon in the right had corner of the Submit a Claim menu and then “Save.”
  • Select “Back” from the Submit a Claim menu (when the claim has unsaved information) and then select “Save.”

Resolution 2: If problem persists, collect the User Information on the template below.

Cannot Continue an Online Claim Draft within the MetLife Expat App 

Resolution 1: Ask the user if the claim draft contains a New Wire Transfer.

  • Claim drafts that contain New Wire Transfers can only be submitted from the GSvP Web Portal.

Resolution 2: If problem persists, collect the User Information on the template below.

Cannot Attach Images to the Claim

Resolution 1: Inform the user that they may only upload 24 images at one time. The user must save the claim to upload more than 24 images.

  • The user may save via the following options:
  • Select the Save Icon in the right had corner of the Submit a Claim menu and then “Save.”
  • Select “Back” from the Submit a Claim menu (when the claim has unsaved information) and then select “Save.”

Resolution 2: Inform the user that there is a total attachment limit of 255 attachments.

  • This limit includes all claim attachments added to that claim draft from the GSvP web portal AND images uploaded via the MetLife Expat App

Resolution 3: Inform the user that there is a total attachment limit of 8mb.

  • This limit includes all claim attachments added to that claim from the GSvP web portal AND images uploaded via the MetLife Expat App

Resolution 4: If problem persists, collect the User Information on the template below.

Unable to Search for a Recently Submitted Claim

Resolution 1: Inform the user that this is not a capability supported in the MetLife Expat App.

  • The user will have to log into the GSvP web portal to view this information.

Resolution 2: If problem persists, collect the User Information on the template below.

Issue Not Listed/Report An Issue:

For all other issues, please fill out the template below:

User Information


User’s email address

Device Model Name and Type (e.g. Samsung Galaxy 5, HTC One, iPhone 6 Plus)

Operating System and Version (e.g. iOS 8.1, Android 4.2)

User’s Geographic location

Local time of the reported issue

A Brief Description of the Problem

Exact wording of any presented Error Message.

How many times and how often has the user tried to complete the problematic action?

On what page/feature did the issue occur?


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