Apresentação Oral de Inglês
Por: anambarbosa • 26/5/2016 • Tese • 301 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 308 Visualizações
Oral presentation
Hello, today I’m going to talk about 3r’s.
The policy of the 3Rs is a measure created for people to reduce the production of waste. The name "3 Rs" comes from the abbreviation of the three measures to be adopted by people to improve the environment: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
(A política dos 3Rs é uma medida criada para que as pessoas diminuam a produção de lixo. O nome “3 Rs” vem da abreviação das três medidas a serem adotadas pelas pessoas para a melhoria do meio ambiente: Reduzir, Reutilizar e Reciclar)
Now, I will make a brief explanation of the meaning of the 3r's
(Agora, vou fazer uma breve explicação sobre o significado dos 3r's)
-Reducing means turning down the waste and emission of pollutants, also spared natural resources
(Reduzir significa diminuir o lixo e a emissao de poluentes, poupado tambem os recursos naturais)
- Reusing is to give a new use for something that would be waste, so we avoid consumption.
(Reutilizar é dar uma nova utilidade para algo que seria lixo, assim evitamos o consumo.)
- Recycling is the transformation of the product in a new product or elemento
(Reciclagem é a transformaçao do produto num novo produto ou em materia prima)
Hello, today I’m going to talk about 3r’s.
The policy of the 3Rs is a measure created for people to reduce the production of waste. The name "3 Rs" comes from the abbreviation of the three measures to be adopted by people to improve the environment: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Now, I will make a brief explanation of the meaning of the 3r's
-Reducing means turning down the waste and emission of pollutants, also spared natural resources
- Reusing is to give a new use for something that would be waste, so we avoid consumption.
- Recycling is the transformation of the product in a new product or elemento