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Instituto Federal Fluminense - Campus Avançado Maricá

Por:   •  8/8/2019  •  Dissertação  •  280 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  230 Visualizações

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Instituto Federal Fluminense - Campus Avançado Maricá.

Aluno: Daniel Pereira Rodrigues 3A

For Dove

Chloe Celeste Hosterman, also known as Dove Cameron, was born in January 15, 1996, in Seattle, Washington. She is the younger daughter of Philip Alan Hosterman and Bonnie Wallace and sister of Claire Hosterman. Dove grew up in Bainbridge Island, Washington and frequented Sakai Intermediate School. Later, when she was nine, she started acting in her city community theater.

Dove is an actress, singer, composer, voice actress and model. She is mostly known for interpret Mal, the main character in the Disney’s trilogy movies called Descendants, and also for acting in the Disney Channel’s tv show named Liv and Maddie (2013-2017) where she played the two main characters. Besides that she did some participations in tv shows like Sou Luna and Shameless (US), and did part in the cast of an Broadway’s production inspired in Clueless.

Dove has been through a lot in her life. She suffers of anxiety and vasovagal syncope, that is a disease that make the person past out, and there are other symptoms like weakness, uncomfortable feeling in the heart. While in school, Dove suffered a lot of bullying, and furthermore when she was fifteen, one year after her parents get divorced, her father committed suicide because he could not deal with the fact the he was homossexual.

Despite every obstacle, Dove didn’t give up on her dreams and kept fighting for what she wants. One time in an interview she said: “I became very passionate about becoming an actress and singer. I fully immersed myself", so that's why she give everything of herself to be the best she can in her projects.


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