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Hans da Alemanha

Resenha: Hans da Alemanha. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  15/4/2014  •  Resenha  •  328 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  279 Visualizações

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Hans is from Germany and he is living in London at the moment because he wants to learn English. He studies in a big language school called St. Miles. He really likes the school and has lots of friends from different countries. He enjoys living in London but yesterday was a very bad day for Hans.

He finished school at 1 o clock and went home to his flat in Somerset Court. He decided to go for a run because running is his favorite hobby. But when Hans went outside, he saw that the weather was too rainy. He was unhappy because he really wanted to go running.

He decided to stay at home and do his English homework. He sat down in his bedroom and started his homework. After five minutes, he stopped – the grammar was too difficult for him. He decided to try it again later.

Now Hans was very hungry. He got his umbrella and when to Totthenham Court Road for dinner. He wanted some Italian food – he loved pasta. He saw a nice Italian restaurant. He entered the restaurant but the manager told him that it was too crowded and there was no space for Hans. Hans looked for another restaurant. He walked down the street. He saw a korean restaurant and decided to try Korean food for the first time.

In the restaurant he ordered some soup for a starter. The waiter brought him some soup but Hans didn’t like it – the soup was too cold.

After the soup, Hans ordered something called “Kim chee” – a special Korean dish. The waiter said “Kim Chee is really delicious!”

Hans was very excited. But when the Kim Chee arrived, he couldn’t eat it – it was too spicy!

Hans went home, feeling hungry, tired and unhappy. He tried to finish his homework but he was too tired. He fell asleep with his head on his books.

The next day, his teacher was very angry with Hans.


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