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Importância de saber uma língua estrangeira

Por:   •  22/11/2015  •  Projeto de pesquisa  •  317 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  147 Visualizações

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Importance of knowing a second language

Was you already understood there are many languages and the one that connect the whole world is English and that give us a lot of advantages. So today I’m not going to talk about a specific language, I’m just going to give you the advantages of knowing one of them in 5 fields: education, work, medicine, travel and mentally.

Education: In education in very importance to know a foreign language because it can provide us a possibility to go study to another country and enter in a better university, while you do a research, specially on google, it’s much more likely to find more results if you repeat the research but in another language like in English, German or French

Work: In our career is a pretty good advantage if you speak a second language because for start it will be much more easy to you get a job, then you can grown up on your company and get a bigger salary, you might get the chance to be chose to travel to other countries where your company also is (and they will pay for your trip and pay you for travelling to other country), we can close a deal with much more profit and expand our company to other countries.

Medicine: Speaking a world language might bring advances for medicine because we can gather with other doctor or specialties from different areas and who know discover a cure for a rare disease.

Travel: We can enjoy a much more likely trip in another country where we will have more contact with the culture and tradition; we can walk freely for the county and understand what other people are saying

Mentally: There are studies that show that speaking another language give us plenty of benefits such as memory improvement, you become more perceptive, you build multitasking skills, ect

So his was my presentation I hope you like it.


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