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Marketing Strategy

Artigos Científicos: Marketing Strategy. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  6/5/2013  •  2.626 Palavras (11 Páginas)  •  403 Visualizações

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The emergence of Internet enabled a low cost of information sharing and dissemination, independent of the existing distance between the producer and the consumer of the information. This new environment allowed access of a growing number of individuals and customers to new kinds of businesses that has been continuously revealed. This novelty is changing the environment where corporations, governments and communities interact. The changes are, especially, in the way information is received, processed, sent and stored. In this new environment, speed, flexibility and innovation are essential. (Winfried Lamersdorf, 2004)

The Novelty of bringing out new products into the market with innovates ideas and upgrading it self according to the current market needs with a break through in getting any information on WWW (World Wide Web), Smart Phones and placing it self in various market segemets helped Google to be a Strategic Marketing Planner and to be the among the top most businesses in the dot com industry.

Planning Process: There are various formulations of planning process (Boyce et al, 1970; Lichfield et al., 1975; Harris, 1965). Like (a) the formulation of objectives in relation to the general goals, problems and the regional context; (b) the provision of an outline of alternative strategies of growth; (c) the testing and evaluation of alternative strategies; (d) decision making.

Lynch (2000) explains that every organization has to manage its strategies in three key areas:

The organization’s internal resources, The external environment within which the organization operates, The organization’s ability to add value to what it does and other core elements include clarification of strategic direction , strategic analysis, development of strategic options, strategy implementation and management of strategic change.

Traditionally, Google relationship between these areas has been viewed as Linear, with strategic analysis which includes a position to audit where various aspects of the organization are examined and analyzed, including the organizational objectives, organizational relationship with the environment, organizational resources. Google ‘s Strategy development a Varity of options for the future development of organization have to be built, reviewed and selected have implementation of selected options . Lynch (2000) describes the linear approach to corporate strategy as a prescriptive approach to decision making. He contracts this with an approach that he describes as the emergent approach, where the three core areas are interrelated

Prescriptive Vs Emergent approaches:

Prescriptive approaches: Reliant on the use of analytical tools such as SWOT and PESTLE, and matrices such as Boston Consulting Group Matrix (BCG).Most efficient approach where business environment is stable. Planned approach based on linear step process for implementation.

Emergent approaches: A responsive approach based on shared understanding across the business. Based on organizational learning. Most effective in conditions of economic and environmental uncertainty.

Google strategy formulation closely related to product development options is the review of opportunities from new business. As new business constantly reviewing innovation in the services to improve the quality of experience offered is important for organizations like Google.Evaluting new models and approaches is important . If Google do not review opportunities to innovate then competitors and new entrants certainly will.

Andy Grove of Intel famously said: ‘Only the paranoid will survive’ and Google constantly innovate through acquiring other companies. For example Google purchased linguistic analysis company applied (Semantics in 2003) to improve its search results algorithm; it developed social networking site Orkut ( and Google Earth.

Google is pursuing a growth strategy of merges and acquisitions with other related businesses. This strategy is preferred because it allows Google to quickly adopt new technologies and process rather than trying to develop them internally. Given the rapid changes the industry is undergoing, timing is critical. Acquisitions and partnerships make more sense.

Factors which are contributing effective Google strategy implementations are its highly talented leadership team and work force. The strength of its culture that emphasizes teamwork, flexibility, transparency, and innovation. Its structure there is little in the way of corporate hierarchy. Its aggressive hiring policy it is not discriminatory and favors’ ability over experience.

Market Position and Strategy:

The advantages of being first into a market are well known, but the risks can be high and the costs of failure great. Google could never be defined as an example of a first time mover. By the time it entered the market, searching was considered a commodity. But Google is now considered one of the most popular sites on the web. Google success stems from its use of the link structure of the web to determine what is important and what is not. Unlike its competitors it chews banner ads; instead it offers advertisers the option of buying discrete text ads which are only shown when users search for certain words.

Google external environment keeps changing and with it comes opportunities and threats. Google has to contribute to anticipate changes and adapt strategies, systems, cultures, and process to align with such changes. Some of the changes that Google has undertaken so far include the decision by Larry page to step down into VP role and let Eric Schmidt be the CEO and front Man for Google, as well as the decision to make many acquisition of companies at different stages of development. So far, Google has acquired more than 50 companies. Every acquisition brings in a company that may be different in its way of doing things from Google. Being able to merge these companies under Google culture and achieve the kind of results that the company is getting so far is a mark of effective change implementation (Robert N. Lussier, Christopher F. Achua)

PART – A (2)

All business decisions have a financial ingredient. Financial analysis and management is a key skill set that all facility managers must have. It is important for a facility manager to push the services and new idea to forefront organizations like Google and agendas by using accepted financial


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