O Inglês Aplicado à Aviação
Por: fenicolosi • 18/9/2021 • Abstract • 928 Palavras (4 Páginas) • 95 Visualizações
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Inglês Aplicado à Aviação II
Prova a Distância 1
Prof. Eduardo Medeiros Machado
Aluno: _____________________________________________________
Questões 1-10
Questão 1:
Choose the alternative that completes the following sentences:
- _____ you exercise every day?
- What kind of music _____ she like?
- _______ it rain very often here?
- What time ____ Peter and Helen get home?
- _____ we have time to visit the museum?
- ( ) does; does; do; do; does
- ( ) do; does; does; does; do
- ( ) do; does; does; do; do
- ( ) do; do; does; do; does
- ( ) does; do; do; does; do
Questão 2:
Indicate what words can be used to complete the dialogue below:
John: _____ you go out last night?
Mark: No, I ________. But I _______ go to the new restaurant tonight.
John: So what _____ you do last night?
Mark. I didn’t _____ anything, I just stayed home and studied.
- ( ) do; did; didn’t; do; will
- ( ) did; did; didn’t; didn’t; did
- ( ) will; won’t; does; did; did
- ( ) did; did; will; will; do
- ( ) did; didn’t; will; did; do
Questão 3:
Which sentences are CORRECT?
- Have you ever driven a Ferrari?
- They didn’t come to the party last week.
- Mary and Sarah doesn’t like horror movies.
- My parents will go to New Zealand in December.
- I won’t buy that shirt, it’s too expensive.
- ( ) I, V
- ( ) I, II, III
- ( ) II. IV, V
- ( ) I, II, IV, V
- ( ) I, II, III, V
Questão 4:
Complete the questions with the words given.
- _______ did you watch that movie? Yesterday?
- _______ will you go on your vacations?
- _______ book is this? I think it’s Peter’s.
- _______ is your best friend?
- _______ far is Florianopolis from São Paulo?
- ( ) whose; what; when; where; why
- ( ) when; where; whose; who; how
- ( ) when; why; what; whose; where
- ( ) what; why; when; who; how
- ( ) where; which; when; whose; why
Questão 5:
Complete the following sentences using the Simple Present or the Present Continuous.
- Susan _______ at home.
- I ___________ dinner now.
- Where _____ you this morning?
- They _______ a movie when I arrived.
- Jack ________ to music when I turned on the TV.
- ( ) is; am cooking; were; were watching; was listening
- ( ) was; was cooking; were; was watching; is listening
- ( ) were; were cooking; was; watches; listens
- ( ) is; are cooking; was; was watch; will listen
- ( ) be; is cooking; were; were watching; have listened
Questão 6:
Use the correct prepositions to fill in the blanks.
- I love this chair ______ the tree, the shade here is really nice.
- We´re on the 2nd floor, you need to go ___ to the 5th floor.
- We are flying _____ the Swiss Alps.
- The dog is running _____ the house.
- You can see the snow if you look ________ the window.
- ( ) over; up; under; down; away from
- ( ) under; up; through; over; around
- ( ) around; up; down; around; past
- ( ) under; up; over; around; through
- ( ) out of; through; under; up; onto
Questão 7:
Find the sentences that are grammatically correct:
The cat jumped onto the car.
They were wash the dishes when I arrived today.
Charles will travels to China because he wants to learn Mandarin.
Who is those people near the entrance?
Bob and Sheila goes to the movies every Friday night.