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Pos Refresh

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Por:   •  26/2/2015  •  1.464 Palavras (6 Páginas)  •  432 Visualizações

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Here are the steps you can refer though

Actions at Operating System Level

1. Adapt the configuration files at operating system level to meet network and SAP requirements.

2. Adapt additional SAP software components (for example, RFC, CPIC, SAP ArchiveLink) if required.

3. Adapt additional non-SAP software components (for example, archiving systems, monitoring

tools, job schedulers) if required.

4. Adapt backup programs (for example BRBACKUP, BRARCHIVE, BACKINT) if required.

5. Adapt non-SAP directories, file systems, NFS mounts, and so on if required.

6. Check the SAP parameters of the default and instance profiles.

7. Check your UNIX shell files for special entries.

8. Check crontab or AT jobs.

9. Check operating system files (for example, .netrc, .rhosts).

10. Check operating system printers.

11. Oracle: Adapt the database profiles init<SAPSID>.ora, init<SAPSID>.dba and


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5 Follow-Up Activities

5.2 Performing Follow-Up Activities in the Target System

Actions at Database Level

1. Before starting the SAP system, make sure that the logging mechanism of the database is active.

2. Check the parameters in the database profiles.

3. Oracle: Delete all entries from the following tables:


4. Oracle: Delete the user OPS$<SOURCE_SAPSID>ADM.

5. Oracle: If you changed the <DBSID> during the system copy, we recommend that you adapt the

global_name parameter with the following SQL command:

alter database rename global_name to <NEW_DBSID>;

If the parameter does not exist on your system, ignore this step.

Actions at SAP System Level

1. Run an installation check: Administration System administration Administration Installation Check

(transaction SM28).

2. Configure the Workbench Organizer (transaction SE06) with the option Database Copy. This releases

all transport, repair, and customizing requests that have not been released in the source system.

3. Adapt the transport parameters and transport routes in the Transport Management System

(TMS): a.

a) Choose transaction STMS Overview Systems .

b) Select the system and select the tab Transporttool.

To adapt the transport routes:

Choose transaction STMS Overview Transport routes .

4. Delete all entries from the following tables: ALCONSEG, ALSYSTEMS, DBSNP, MONI, OSMON, PAHI,


5. Delete canceled and finished jobs.

Execute ABAP program RSBTCDEL, marking the field delete with forced mode: Tools ABAP Workbench

ABAP Editor (transaction SE38).

6. Adapt all jobs needed in the target system:

a) Copy the old jobs.

b) Modify the new jobs.

c) Delete the old jobs.

7. Check the consistency of the Temporary Sequential Objects (TemSe) by searching for files of TemSe

objects for which no TemSe objects exist:

Administration CCMS Spool TemSe administration (transaction SP12). For more information,

see SAP Note 16875.

8. Adapt the definition of the printers to meet the new system requirements:

n Device types and character set definitions

n Spool servers

n Output management systems (OMS)

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5 Follow-Up Activities

5.2 Performing Follow-Up Activities in the Target System

9. Delete entries in table DDLOG for buffer synchronization.

10. Synchronize the buffers as described in SAP Note 36283 and adapt the client information for the

logical system.

11. Adapt the RFC destination: Tools Administration Administration Network RFC destinations

(transaction SM59).

12. Clean the transactional RFC: Tools Administration Monitor Transactional RFC (transaction

SM58). For more information, see the relevant description in the SAP Online Documentation.

13. Start transaction SECSTORE using Check Entries. If you find erroneous entries with message text

System-dependent data for entry u2026 changed , see SAP Note 816861.

14. Create new operation modes and remove old ones:

a) Create new operation modes and instance definitions.

b) Maintain the timetable using the new operation modes.

c) Delete the old operation modes and old instance definitions.

15. Adapt the operation mode time tables (CCMS): Administration CCMS Configuration Operation

mode calendar (transaction SM63).



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