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Rakan Mid Build

Por:   •  21/3/2021  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  594 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  105 Visualizações

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Build vs scaling team

Minor runes explanation:

Primary Slot 1:

* Cheap Shot - will always do less damage than Sudden Impact

* Taste of Blood - it’s ok vs some matchups on which you can’t really use W in for poke combo like Taliyah, otherwise you need get as much damage as you can as Full AP so it’s better to take Sudden Impact

* Sudden Impact - best dmg option, can be proc'd by W, E, Rocketbelt, Flash

Primary Slot 2:

* Eyeball Collection - stacks the fastest

* Ghost Poro / Zombie Ward - you can’t effective stack them, no reason to play them because you need raw AP

Primary Slot 3:

* Ravenous Hunter - useless because of big cooldowns

* Ingenious Hunter - Rocketbelt can’t clear waves

* Relentless Hunter - ok rune, but usually when you want to roam, you want to have ultimate too, so imo Ultimate Hunter is better

* Ultimate Hunter - since you don’t build many CDR early on, this rune solves this problem, also it allows to fight more

Secondary Slot 1:

* Nullifying Orb / Manaflow Band / Nimbus Cloak - you take Sorcery to scale, so Transcendance and Gathering Storm are much better

Secondary Slot 2:

* Transcendance - it’s 10 AH, combined with AH shard rune it's already 18 AH which is helpful before you buy Cosmic Drive

* Celerity - this rune gives almost nothing overall due to move speed caps mechanics

* Absolute Focus - i value early AH more than little dmg boost, but it's ok

Secondary Slot 3:

* Scorch - you can’t proc it too often due to long cooldowns and unreliability to hit spells too often on midlane + its damage is barely noticeable after 1st recall

* Waterwalking - not bad for roaming, but Gathering is just better

* Gathering Storm - it’s just single rune which is dead for first 10 min, but after that time it’s already better than any other rune and it can solo win games, after 20 min it’s already game changing rune

Shards Runes:

AH - for lack of AH in early

Adaptive Force - you can take additional resistances but i prefer additional ap

Armor / Magic Resistance - additional hp isn’t good since Rakan has much HP from items (Passive counts too)


Skill Order:

[if your jungler wants to gank you pick 1st point of E faster (2,3,4 level)]




Matchups on lane:

Always ban: Ryze / Cassiopeia

Difficulty scale:

9001/10 - Ryze

10/10 - Lissandra

9/10 - Taliyah, Cassiopeia, Diana, Lucian


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