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O Tapete de Arraiolos

Por:   •  20/1/2023  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  350 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  71 Visualizações

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Tapete De Arraiolos

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   Arraiolos rugs are embroidered in wool with a stitch point of the same name. They are made on a cotton or linen cloth. These rugs are characteristic of the Alentejo village of Arraiolos, in Portugal. It is thought to have arisen from the curiosity of isolated artisans or the         Alentejan conventual work. They had very beautiful colours, well combined and in               great numbers. The contours were embroidered flower-toothed on burlap. They                  were full to the point of Arraiolos more or less perfect. The beam was made without          corners, because they were made in a square. The fringe was made with crochet            needles. Erudite carpets were made with very perfect preconceived designs and                           other popular ones, which were made in a free way, like the original ones.[pic 3]


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    Filigrana is the art of working with gold and silver through delicate yarns, finely interlaced, which eventually form elaborate pieces with various patterns. The yarns are twisted, beaten and lighted to be soft and fine, then clean and ready for the artisans. The filigrana is entirely handmade and demands from the goldsmiths the highest degree of patience, imagination and skill. This art is a meticulous art and those who know how to work with it, develop a great taste in each completed work. The creative power and artistic sensibility of these craftsmen are numerous, having already been used in very different areas of jewellery.


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