Os Reflexos do Narcotráfico na Sociedade Mundial
Por: CaduRdrgssBrUsa • 26/3/2019 • Dissertação • 1.204 Palavras (5 Páginas) • 224 Visualizações
CIEP 117 Carlos Drummond de Andrade Brasil Estados Unidos
Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues da Silva
Os reflexos do narcotráfico na sociedade mundial
The repercussions of drug trafficking in world society
Nova Iguaçu – Rio de Janeiro
Carlos Eduardo Rodrigues da Silva
Turma: 2004
Os reflexos do narcotráfico na sociedade mundial
The repercussions of drug trafficking in world society
Relatório apresentado a Escola CIEP 117 Carlos Drummond de Andrade Brasil Estados Unidos, como parte das exigências para a conclusão do trabalho.
Nova Iguaçu, 20 de Março de 2019
Prof. Raphael Chiote
Drug trafficking is one of the ills of the peripheries, suburbs and zones known as "more classy, or richer." The purchase, and consequently the addiction, of these products acts in different spheres of society, from the upper class to the poorest , mostly from underdeveloped or developing countries.
Before talking about the reflexes, it is necessary to specify how the product enters the countries, since much of which they consume, does not produce enough quantity to feed all this illegal market. In this way, we can see one of the most talked about points, corruption, acting in one of its purest forms, because, for the entry of drugs is necessary influence of people with great powers, usually politicians and great businessmen.
Most of these drugs are produced in countries in South America, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East, and require a large workforce, but few are skilled. Thus fueling an international consumer market, these growing illegal networks have been targeting the police in many countries for a long time, and are increasingly reinventing themselves so they do not end up, as it is a relatively volatile market and is highly profitable.
Although it is the subject of several investigations, non-use campaigns (made by the WHO) and even criminal articles, the consumption of these products is commonly considered as cultural in many countries of continents such as the Americas and Asia. And more and more they are introducing themselves in the societies world-wide, being made to generate movements pro-legalization of some types of narcotics.
Specified origin and production, the drug is destined for transport, being carried by any of the three media, terrestrial (by border of neighboring countries, needing corrupted frontier agents), aquatic (by rivers and seas, needing agents corrupted in the ports) and by air (requiring corrupted agents at various airports through which the cargo passes). Thus creating a chain of corruption, with constituents and agreements, political and business.
After the transportation and entry of the cargo we went on sale, where the biggest impact of narcotics in society is taking lives of youths recruited to sell gangs and generating an increase in violence and marginality. Here we see why these sales are in the suburbs and suburbs, since it is necessary a great workmanship for sale and protection of the load, and it is in these places that we find a large part of the poorest population of a certain locality.
People with low prospects, then traffickers come and offer these people power, which has never been given to them before, and they then find in this power a possibility of social ascension, because of money, and then accept to enter the traffic because they see it as the only way out. They usually do not care for their tracks, people who succumb to drug use and end up becoming addicts.
Many people around the world criticize the suburbs and suburbs and their organizations because of these addicts, but do not realize that it is just one of many social reflexes generated by corruption, disdain for human life and concentration of wealth. Therefore, drug use and addiction should not be treated as a matter of Police, but public health, because it is the area most affected by this. So, before criticizing the victims of this social organization, try to understand where the problem begins, and fight for the end of it.
Translation / Tradução
O Narcotráfico, é um dos males das periferias, subúrbios e zonas conhecidas como "de mais classe, ou mais ricas”. A compra, e consequentemente o vício, destes produtos age em diferentes âmbitos da sociedade, desde a classe alta até os mais pobres, em sua maior parte de países sub desenvolvidos ou em desenvolvimento.
Antes de falar dos reflexos, deve-se especificar como o produto entra nos países, já que grande parte dos quais consomem, não produzem quantidade o suficiente para alimentar todo este mercado ilegal. Neste meio, podemos ver um dos pontos mais falados atualmente, a corrupção, agindo em uma de suas formas mais puras, pois, para a entrada de drogas é necessária influência de pessoas com grandes poderes, geralmente políticos e grandes empresários.