A avaliação no ensino de língua estrangeira
Por: estrategista • 23/5/2017 • Monografia • 262 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 337 Visualizações
What follows here is a lesson plan* designed for an intermediate level, 10th grade, sophomore class at the Ada Cariane Avalone School. The 16 students in the class range in age from 15 to 16. Their general goals are academically oriented. Their native languages are Portuguese.
- Goal
Students will comprehend the critical analysis. ( Lesson focus: Film review.)
- Objectives
Terminal objectives:
1. Analyze a structure narrative from film.
2. Identify terms and concepts that serve the basis for movie reviews.
3. Synthesize literary/visual concepts into a structured essay.
4. Identify the benefits of thinking critically about film.
5. To develop the writing skills.
Lesson Planning
Enabling objectives:
- Students will comprehend a film review, throught the reading. (text will shows up on a TV).
- Students will identify informations about structure and necessary vocabulary for this topic "film review".
- Students will comprehend cultural and linguistic background information regarding for this topic "film review".
- Students will develop and exchange personal reflection about the topic.
- Students will watch a film to later discussion.
- Students will develop a film review throught the questions.
- Students will choose a film from a list of 10 films and will produce a film analysis to verify the concept learned.
- Materials and equipment
• TV
• Ten different movie advertisements
• recorded films or movie guide page for extra-class work
4. Procedures