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Por:   •  2/12/2021  •  Projeto de pesquisa  •  814 Palavras (4 Páginas)  •  152 Visualizações

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Unit 4 - Lesson 3        Unusual sports 1 – LISTENING AND READING


Do you know any winter sports and how much do you know about them?

  B – Listen to a person describing ‘luge’, a popular winter sport. How old was Ruben when he first heard about luge? Track 22

He was 10.

C- Now, listen and write the verbs you hear in the simple past form.

Took - was - started – represented- did / do- said- played- couldn’t- was-saw- loved- realised - was - gave – decided- chose- was- gave up-started- went - competed .

E- Now, read about Ruben Gonzalez´life and answer the questions below. for specifics.

  1. 10 – on TV
  2. He watched a competition and saw the the champion was short and thin.
  3. Three Winter Olympics: Calgary, Albertville and Salt Lake City.
  4. He’s a motivational speaker.

F – Complete the gaps with the words from the box 

1.realised  2.gave up  3.was born  4.although  5.took place  6.hope


read the description of the sports and which one you like or dislike.

G- Run through. In pairs, discuss which of these extreme sports you find more.

  1. LANGAGE FOCUS (1): Past Simple Review

A- Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. – did -play
  2. – did -choose
  3. 3 – did -start
  1. – did- go
  2. – does -do

B- In pairs, answer the questions from exercise 2A.

  1. He played football.
  2. He chose the luge because he liked it when he was a child and at the age of 21 realised he had the profile.
  3. He started training when he was 21.
  4. He went to the Olympics in 1984, 1988 and 1992.
  5. He is a motivational speaker.

C-Change the following past tense statements to questions beginning with the question word in brackets.

1. When did they sell their house?

 2. Where did they have lunch?

3. Where did you put the mail?

4. Where did they go after the lesson?

5. Who did HE walk with?

6. Why did he go to Denver?

  1. LANGUAGE FOCUS (2): Object Pronouns: me, you, him, her, it, us, them

A- Complete the sentences below with the right object pronoun.

1.her        2. him        3.them        4. us        5.its

Now answer the questions below according to your likes and dislikes.

Learners´own answers.

Learn this!

B-Study this table and complete the sentences below

1.dancing 2.eating 3.watching 4.doing 5.staying 6.playing 7.driving 8.travelling


B –Write about Charles Miller: the man who brought football to Brazil. Use the information below to help you.

read the information in the book about Miller´s life

Lesson 4        Wrapping up

  1. - LANGUAGE FOCUS: Past Simple


which decision you took that changed their lives.

B – Look at these pictures

C – How to make decisions.

D – Complete the dialogue using the correct form of the verbs in brackets

A .  did - do

B .  wanted – went

A did - go

B stayed

A did - do

B went – had- rained

A. worked-needed – stayed-ate-watched


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