Língua Estrangeira Licenciatura em Letras Português e Inglês
Por: matheusclaudia • 12/3/2016 • Trabalho acadêmico • 1.136 Palavras (5 Páginas) • 543 Visualizações
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Faculdade Anhanguera de Taguatinga
Língua Estrangeira
Licenciatura em Letras Português e Inglês
Professor: Gervasio
Ana Cláudia dos Santos Diniz RA: 8416134200
Learn about handball , pass them and how to accomplish these also on the releases as a pass , and the history of this sport , which began to play the same as football, but with the big difference that in instead of playing the ball with his feet playing with hands .
Handball history in Brazil
Although many people in Brazil do not yet know the Handball, it already has extensive material about him, after his introduction.
We know that a few years ago several states began to practice Handball and therefore have their stories.
In 2009 the Brazilian Handball, turned 60 in São Paulo, which until 1973 was the base and the domain.
In 1978 came the crisis and São Paulo lost hegemony , leadership , which dominated long, long years in a row .
At this time , no one expected and to the surprise of many ( if not all ) emerged the state of Minas Gerais for its practice of Handball .
Appear after Rio de Janeiro , Brasilia, the states of Paraná , Maranhão , etc. , to include the development of these Handball those States.
Basic rules
1) block dimensions: 40x20m.
2) How far should note OS Jocks opponents until the shots Be charged: 3m.
3) è considered goal: WHEN a ball overtake Quite a goal line.
4) Shooting 7m: IS WHEN charged A court player passes the ball to his own goalkeeper inside the goal area. For a Executions hum shooting 7m What the placement of Defense Players and attack and forums Line of 9m
5) Disciplinary: No game as St. Progressive sanctions following an Order: warning, exclusion, disqualification, expulsion.
6) Steps: MAY be given, not maximum, 3 steps with a ball At Hand.
7) 4 Cases where and ordered free-throw:
And ordered free-throw in handball nos following cases: irregular entry OR OUT hum player, irregular OUT bid, management of irregular ball, Para incorrect behavior with the opponent, OR Executions irregular conduct any free throw and no shots 7m; Unsportsmanlike conduct.
8) Cases que the Game and restarted hum Referee of Tyre:
-One Shot handball and orderly When:
a) Jocks Two teams commit anti-regulatory actions At The SAME rhythm on the court.
b) a ball touch the OR ceiling fixed object On the court.
c) And the game stopped without que happened any infraction and the ball NOT be in power any team.
d) The first OR second Middle dripping Closed pace has Sido of Normal Time and The Jocks has left the court. In this case, the handball game and taken by a referee-throw run to center court after the referee's whistle. No whistle, the referee throws the center of a ball Up for on-site where the ball was at the time of Discontinuance of Play. Case, the site, located in the goalkeeper area fossa OR nos 9m, the shooting and run to forums Next MORE locations of the Line 9m. Jocks shot of this OS, SALVO hum Each team must Be at Least Three meters from the judge. The Two Jocks should Being hum Each referee's side, hum Each Side of Your Proprio goal.
9) Staff Arbitration: The team Composed AND WHY Two arbitrators Watched By A Secretary (What is the marker of goals, fouls, etc.) and by a timekeeper ..
10) Goal kick: The goal kick and handball not ordained When the before passing the Line Fund, Sido played ball has, by Ultimo, a player of Team Attacking OR hair goalkeeper the defender.
11) Side Shot: In this shot Executions, Part Pe performer MUST be in Contact
continuing with the ground. It is allowed to lift the other leg and place it on the ground several times.
The game
The handball game consists of two halves of 30 (thirty ) minutes with ten (10) minute break between them in the last Olympics in Atlanta 1996 ¾ ¾ it was allowed to use the time, as in volleyball.
Athletes playing handball
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The number of substitutions is unlimited but they must be made in 4,45m space each team has especially to do so , they are also made in Space 4,45m que each time especially paragraph HAVE THAT, THEY Are Made Also without a game interruption and it is what I need to hum player to leave the court completely, before the Other que Enter Your place the event Improper replacement, IT MUST be advised When referee of the match the Bureau of the game, which consists of a timekeeper and scorer of goals hum. And THEN, the player has committed an infraction que receives a punishment of Two Minutes.