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Book 6 - GOALS

Lesson 1


keep (POSSESS) verb [T] kept, kept

1 to have or continue to have in your possession:

Do you want this photograph back or can I keep it?

Keep medicines in a locked cupboard (= Store them there).

2 to own and manage a small shop:

My uncle kept a little tobacconist's in Gloucester.

3 If you keep animals, you own and take care of them, but not in your home as pets:

to keep pigs/goats/chickens

4 US to watch and care for someone's children while their parents are away:

Jody will keep the children while I shop.

5 keep your promise/word; keep an appointment to do what you have told someone that you would do:

I made a promise to you and I intend to keep it.

She phoned to say she couldn't keep her appointment.

6 keep a diary/an account/a record, etc. to make a regular record of events or other information so that you can refer to it later:

I've kept a diary for twelve years now.

Keep an account of how much you're spending.

7 keep a secret to not tell anyone a secret that you know

8 keep time (of a watch or clock) to show the correct time:

Does your watch keep good time?

9 keep goal to be the player who defends your team's goal by trying to prevent players from the other team scoring goals


report (TELL) verb

1 [I or T] to give a description of something or information about it to someone:

We rang the insurance company to report the theft.

The assassination was reported in all the newspapers.

I want you to report (to me) on progress (= on what you have done) every Friday.

[+ ing form of verb] Spies reported seeing a build-up of soldiers.

[+ object + adjective] He was reported missing in action.

The inquiry reports (= will officially make its results known) next week.

2 be reported to be/do sth to be described by people as being or doing a particular thing although there is no real proof:

The storm is reported to have killed five people.

3 [T] to make a complaint to a person in authority about something or someone:

My neighbours reported me to the police for firing my rifle in the garden.

report (GO) verb [I usually + adverb or preposition]

to go to a place or a person and say that you are there:

I report for (= am ready for and at) work/duty at 8 a.m. every morning.


agree verb

1 [I or T] to have the same opinion, or to accept a suggestion or idea:

Ann and I never seem to agree.

I agree with you on this issue.

My father and I don't agree about/on very much.

[+ that] I agree that he should be invited.

[+ question word] Experts seem unable to agree whether the drug is safe or not.

[+ speech] "You're absolutely right, " agreed Jake.

I suggested that we should meet, and they agreed (= said yes).

[+ to infinitive] The bank has agreed (= is willing) to lend me £5000.

2 [T] UK to accept something:

We finally agreed a deal.

3 [I] If two or more statements, ideas, sets of numbers, etc. agree, they are the same or very similar:

We've got five accounts of what happened and none of them agree.

4 [I] SPECIALIZED When two words agree, or one word agrees with another word, they have the same grammatical form. For example, the words may both be singular or plural, masculine or feminine, etc.


disagree verb [I]

1 to not have the same opinion, idea, etc.; to not agree:

I'm afraid I have to disagree with you (on that issue).

[+ that] Few people would disagree that something should be done to reduce the level of crime in the area.

I profoundly/strongly disagree with (= do not accept) the decision that has been taken.

2 If two or more statements, ideas, sets of numbers, etc. disagree, they are not the same.



handsome (ATTRACTIVE) adjective

1 describes a man who is physically attractive in a traditional, masculine way:

She's dreaming she'll be whisked off her feet by a tall, dark handsome stranger.

2 describes a woman who is attractive


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