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Por:   •  18/10/2019  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  1.944 Palavras (8 Páginas)  •  164 Visualizações

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M4: Physical and Health Education

Summative  Assessment

Unit Title: Health Fitness Management

Key concept

Related concept(s)

Global context


Function, Adaptation & Movement

Scientific and Technical Innovation

Students will explore the systems and processes of the body.

Statement of inquiry

Understanding the function of our body may help us to adapt and to prevent harm or injury that affects movement during exercise.

Inquiry questions

Factual — What is the correct terminology for body parts that are involved in movement?

Conceptual — How can knowledge of body systems help us live a better life?

Debatable — Are sports injuries avoidable?


You should by now understand what is needed for a healthy balanced lifestyle, however it is also important to understand the components of our body and how our bodies work, so we can use them more effectively and efficiently. By understanding our body, we can put things in place or make changes so we do not cause harm to ourselves and prevent potential injuries.  

Physical Education


Content Objectives:

Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding

  1. Explain physical health education factual, procedural and conceptual knowledge
  2. Apply physical and health education knowledge to analyse issues and solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations
  3. Apply physical and health terminology effectively to communicate understanding.

Criterion B: Planning for Performance

  1. Develop goals to enhance performance
  2. Design, explain and justify a plan to improve physical performance and health.

ATL/Skills Objectives:

ATL Skill: Self management

Skill cluster:Organization

Skill Indicators:

-Managing time and tasks effectively

-Set goals that are challenging and realistic-SMART Goal

-Plan strategies and take action to achieve personal and academic goals-PDCA Cycle

ATL Skill: Self management

Skill cluster:Affective

Skill Indicators:

i.Mindfulness:Practise focus and concentration-COMP

ii.Self-motivation:–  Practise analysing and attributing causes for failure,Practise positive thinking -Failing Well & Growth Mindset

ATL Skill: Self management

Skill cluster: Reflection

Skill Indicators:

-Develop new skills, techniques and strategies for effective learning-Kolb's Learning Cycle

-Identify strengths and weaknesses of personal learning strategies (self-assessment)-Kolb's Learning Cycle


Development of the task: (Learning outcome)

Assessment task

Criterion A- Knowledge and Understanding

Ai,  Aii  & Aiii: Fairview International School students do not know much about the topics that are covered in this unit.  Therefore, the PE team would like you to help educate our students by creating an informative booklet, which will cover the following topics. Students must come up with an inquiry question for each chapter and answer their own questions.

Chapter One

General Health benefits to the body

Exploring what we already know about our body.

Researching around the purposes of our body systems linking it to the skeletal and muscular system.

Chapter Two


  • Consider the way in which movement occurs through the link of the muscular system to the skeletal system. (Ligaments and tendons).
  • Identify the name of movement

Chapter Three

Muscular system

  • Identify the main muscles in the body
  • Identify the three types of muscle.

Chapter Four

Skeletal System

  • Explore the function and the role of the skeletal system.
  • Identify the different types of joints
  • Identify the main bones in the skeleton.

Chapter Five

Sports Injury

  • Identify the different types of injuries (skeletal and muscular)
  • Explore how to treat Sports Injury

Chapter Six

The principles of training:

  • Types of exercise
  • Cardiovascular Endurance
  • Muscular Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Progression
  • Overload
  • principles of training (Definition of Repetition, Set and Rest in exercise)
  • Reversibility

Criterion B-Planning for performance

Bi & Bii. Rehabilitation-training program (Pair). Each student will set goals and create a 4 sessions rehabilitation training plan for their partner.

[Choose a high profile injury)

Focus on an injury (Skeletal/muscle). Use your knowledge from all of the above and link it with the injury.

Devise a rehabilitation-training program (2 weeks:4 session) by ensuring you are following the principles of training.


- Use a variety of resources to help you, including pictures, diagrams, Internet, books etc.

- Explain using your own words.

Below are some guiding questions that will help you direct your assessment:

  • Name of Injury
  • Type of injury
  • How does this injury occur?
  • What bones/muscle are involved?
  • Antagonistic pair?
  • What type of joint?
  • Where is the origin and insertion?
  • What is the flexor and extensor?
  • Devise a rehabilitation-training program.


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