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The IT areas in Brazil

Por:   •  21/9/2016  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  1.301 Palavras (6 Páginas)  •  431 Visualizações

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The IT areas In Brazil


The Information Technology area is "new" in the market in Brazil and it's full of possibilities. There are several areas that an IT professional can specialize here in Brazil, like:

  • Development
  • Technical support
  • Information security
  • Network administration
  • Information technology consultants


There are several programming languages, this professional can embark for various sectors of activity within the same niche. It can develop business and personal software, create web sites or applications and also to maintain. In this area there are the Project Manager functions, Software Architect, Software Engineer, Programmer, Systems Analyst, Business Analyst, Test Analyst, Web Designer, Tester, among others.

Technical support

It involves working hardware and software to maintain a running IT environment. There are several specializations, including Windows Servers, Linux Servers, Networks, Databases, etc. It has also the part that involves providing assistance on the lives of people and businesses in the use of IT resources.

Information security

The security analyst is responsible for protection of the institution's data in several areas. It needs to create barriers that protect the safety of equipment, operating systems, servers and clients, and to monitor attempts to hacker attacks. If invasions occur, this is the professional who should eliminate threats.

Network administration

This is one of the areas of IT that requires more technical knowledge; it will be necessary to identify cabling, equipment, software etc. with extreme ease. Generally, those who work with networks have a good experience in the technological world, being almost an expert.

Information technology consultants

They use their technology expertise to help customers achieve their goals. And They do the strategic planning of information technology. A good IT planning is a competitive advantage for the company because it has a direct impact on its results and can bring great leaps in the company's overall performance. This involves drawing a clear plan of action, which makes the best use of available computing resources.

Currently there is demand for IT professionals in all areas. The most important thing in a business is the information and the talents responsible for generating this information.

There is a great demand for qualified professionals in companies. However, there is the downside that many companies do not know exactly what to hire, what to expect from professional, how to motivate him or how to measure productivity. Many companies put highly specialized criteria, for example, 'Developer in four languages and experienced in the' ERP X 'or' mandatory certification Y ', and end up not being able to find good professionals or hiring professionals outside of the job profile.

Growth Areas

Like I said before, IT is a "field" in which professions are many, so, in general, is far from saturated.

There is a lot of areas that are growing a lot here in Brazil, like:

IT Governance

Here in Brazil, companies are beginning to adopt something called IT Governance. IT governance is a strategy for companies that want to align their digital security policies, privacy and maintenance of virtual assets with their market approaches. For this to be possible, routines are adopted by the IT department to focus on operational quality. As a result, they help employees to use more reliable systems with less security and higher performance vulnerabilities.

During this process, analysts align their policies with the expectations of other sectors leaders. Thus, the IT department can transform the digital assets of the company at a crucial tool for all professionals to improve their metrics and, consequently, increase the competitiveness of the company. This will be done with the use of security tools, quality indicators and resource monitoring systems.

IT management ensures that the company can achieve high standards of quality, safety and reliability. The IT sector becomes a strategic asset, which makes the search for new markets .and increase business competitiveness. By implementing an effective IT management policy, the company can provide higher quality services to the market.

Cloud Computing

Brazil is living in the era of digital transformation and cloud computing is one of the drivers of this movement.

Companies are entering a computer adoption so cloud "broader and deeper, driven by new applications and workloads," which will cause only the public cloud investments.

Big Data

Big Data is the term that describes the immense amount of data that impact the business every day. Big Data can be analyzed to obtain insights that lead to better decisions, and strategic business directions.

The importance of big data is not about the amount of data that a company has, but what is done with them.

You can analyze data from any source to find answers that will enable you to:

  • Cost reduction
  • Reduction of time
  • Development of new products and offers optimized
  • Smarter decisions.

Business Intelligence

The term Business Intelligence (BI) refers to the process of collecting, organizing, analyzing, sharing and monitoring information that offer business management support. It is the set of theories, methodologies, processes, structures and technologies that transform a large amount of raw data into useful information for strategic decision.

Although the BI marketing in Brazil is growing, the Business Intelligence market needs to mature a lot yet.


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