- Trabalhos, Monografias, Artigos, Exames, Resumos de livros, Dissertações

Avaliação de Língua Inglesa Ensino Médio

Por:   •  5/5/2015  •  Exam  •  2.406 Palavras (10 Páginas)  •  1.083 Visualizações

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              3ª                                                                                                                PAULA                  8,0


“Ser fiel nas coisas pequenas é um empreendimento gigantesco.”

Santo Agostinho


 Preencha o cabeçalho, corretamente, à caneta e com letra legível.

 Leia atentamente o enunciado de cada questão antes de escrever a resposta.

 Marque apenas 1(uma) alternativa nas questões objetivas.

 Elabore com clareza, de forma completa e de acordo com os estudos feitos,as respostas das questões abertas.

 Rasuras, uso do corretivo e respostas escritas a lápis não serão aceitos para efeito de revisão de prova. Assim, sugerimos que você faça a prova primeiramente a lápis e, depois de ter certeza da sua resposta, passe a caneta azul ou preta.

 As questões devem ser respondidas de acordo com o padrão da norma culta da língua.

 Faça a revisão da sua prova antes de entregá-la ao professor.

 Todos os cálculos deverão ficar registrados em sua avaliação.

 Necessariamente, deverá haver coerência entre a resposta correta encontrada no cálculo e a resposta marcada na questão de múltipla escolha.

 É proibido usar calculadora, celular ou qualquer outro aparelho eletrônico durante a realização da prova.



Text I

Practice towards empathy

We live in a complex world of abstract entities and obscure developments where we often forget that our reality is made of individuals and their relations to one another and the world. The forward-looking thinker Theodore Zeldin observes this deficit in present-day human co-existence as follows: “We know a lot about the material world but we don’t really know who inhabits this planet. That to me is the big agenda of the 21st century.” This observation suggests that we ought to find ways to make empathy and understanding tangible, inspiring and exciting on a personto-person level. In his view, truly relevant and responsible service means facing the urgent issues of our times by working from within the fabric of life. As such, Zeldin stresses that this is the only way to ensure sustainable living conditions in centuries to come.

Service is as old as human kind. In its original sense to be in service is an ethical obligation for every sustainable life. When you help, you see life as weak; when you fix, you see life as broken; yet, when you serve, you see life as a whole. Thus, when I serve I am not in a position of strength because we serve with the whole of ourselves. Being in service means that we employ all our experiences and creativity. This wholeness in us serves the wholeness in others.

To encourage civility and civic responsibility, individuals need to get involved in taking action that makes a difference to others. This way, humans are a part of the solution rather than passive observers. This kind of engagement promotes one’s sense of self, refines the sensibility for connectedness to others, and generates one of the most rewarding feelings that results from contributing to something larger than oneself. Empathy and service are the bridges to community, which add depth and meaning to our life, stretching into a civility that enriches us all.

The understanding of being in service deals directly with life realities and is not just contemplating from an exiled and self-indulged position. In most of the so-called developed world, service has been only adopted in the realm of work in order to substantiate and replace means of production that optimize profit (wealth) or gain (power). However, service goes beyond that. It should be present in all walks of life as a transforming, supposedly mutually beneficial process. In order to meet the ever-growing and unprecedented challenges of our times, we need to unleash the full potential of all individual human creativity by profoundly reorganizing our relations to life and the world.


QUESTION 1                                                                                                 (1,0)

No texto, cada parágrafo corresponde a uma etapa da argumentação do autor, com um propósito definido. Indique o propósito do autor no primeiro parágrafo e o recurso utilizado para atingi-lo.


QUESTION 2                                                                                                (1,0)

The forward-looking thinker Theodore Zeldin (l. 2-3)

Explique o sentido da expressão sublinhada e retire do primeiro parágrafo, em inglês, duas frases que ilustram a qualidade atribuída a Zeldin.



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