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Lições de Inglês em um restaurante

Por:   •  8/1/2017  •  Exam  •  688 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  275 Visualizações

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Os americanos (além de outras culturas europeias) têm hábitos de comer e beber bastante diferentes dos brasileiros. O americano gosta de tomar um café da manhã reforçado, sobretudo nos fins de semana. Costumam jantar cedo, geralmente antes das 21:00. É costume para um americano levar o que sobrou de uma refeição para casa. Raramente se fuma em um restaurante nos Estados Unidos, e o serviço não é incluído nunca na conta a não ser que se trate de um grupo grande (geralmente mais de cinco pessoas). A gorjeta não pode ser menos de 10% ou mais de 20% (só se for um serviço especialmente bom). Cuidado quando for pedir água: se pedir só água, será da torneira mesmo. E treine a pronúncia antes de dizer water, que em inglês americano se pronuncia algo como “uara”.

  1. Fill in the gaps in the table translating the verbs into portuguese or english:

To eat out


To have lunch


To order

Fazer o pedido

To reserve


To start somebody off with something

Iniciar a refeição

To have dinner


To wait


To take your time

Sem press

To taste


To have breakfast

Tomar café da manhã

To try


To drink


To be out of

Estar sem alguma coisa

To bem hungry

Estar com fome

To ask

Pedir (favor)

To be thirsty

Estar com sede

To have a bite

Comer pouca quantidade

To be full

Estar cheio

Smell good

Cheirar bem

To be ok /  alright

Estar bem/satisfeito

To look delicious

Parece delicioso

To cook


To see

Ver o cardápio

To smoke


To have the check/ bill

Pedir a conta

To suggest/ to recommend

Sugerir / Recomendar

To make a reservation

Fazer uma reserva

To prepare


  1. Give words to the meanings and meanings to the words:
  1. The place you can smoke at a restaurant: Smoking area
  2. A group of people who arrange to eat: party
  3. Fork, spoon, knife: Silver ware or cutlery
  4. First course of the meal: Starter
  5. List of food: Menu
  6. List of drink: Drink´s list
  7. List of wine: Wine list
  8. Type of food with no meat: Vegetarian or vegan
  9. When your steak is under cooked, it is…: rare steak
  10. Money you give for the service: Typ
  11. To clean your mouth or hands after eating, you use a…: napquen - tessui
  12. Who cooks your food at a restaurant: chef or a cooker
  13. Who takes your order: Waiter
  14. Who takes your name when you arrive at a restaurant: Hostess

  1. What’s the difference between:
  1. To eat and to eat out: to eat is the action and to eat out is eat in a restaurant
  2. To be full and to be stuffed: it´s the same thing and stuffe you eat a lot and is terrible
  3. Main course and side dish: main course is the most important dish of meal
  4. Recipe and receipt: recipe is how you cook the food (Receita) and receipt (Recibo)
  5. Soup and soap: Soup is to eat and soap is to whash hands
  6. Roast, grilled, fried and mashed:
  1. Give opposites:
  1. On time: Late or delayed
  2. Arrive: leave
  3. Rare (steak): over cooked and well done
  1. Translate:
  1. Espera: Wait
  2. Set menu: A la carte
  3. Mesa para dois: Table for two
  4. Bar: Bar
  5. Máquina (de cartão ou de bebidas): Machinee
  6. Lamb: Carne de Carneiro
  7. Carne de porco: Pork
  8. Beef: Bife
  9. Frango: Chicken
  10. Carne (geral): Meat
  11. Haddock: Bacalhau
  12. Salmão: Salmon
  13. Batata: Poteto
  14. Peas: Ervilha
  15. Arroz e feijão: Rice and beans
  16. Carrot: Cenoura
  17. Leek: Alho poró
  18. Morango: Strawberry
  19. Sobremesa: Dessert
  20. Salgado: Salt
  21. Apimentado: chilli or hot or pepper
  22. Azedo: Better
  23. Soda: Soda
  1. Write S for server and C for costumer:
  1. Did you have a chance to see our specials? S
  2. Table for 3, please. C
  3. Could we get this to go? C
  4. How many in your party? S
  5. Just the check, please. C
  6. Is there a set menu? C
  7. I’ll be right with you. S
  8. Could we have a table near the window? C
  9. Where’s the restroom? C
  10. There’s a 30 minute wait. S
  11. Are you all set to order? S
  12. I’ll have what you’re having. C
  13. How would you like your stake? S
  14. What kind of beer do you have? C
  15. Are you done with that? S
  16. Let me get this out of  your way. S
  17. Can we have some more bread please? C
  18. Can I get this warmed up, please? C
  19. That’s great, thanks. C
  1. Make a conversation between a server and the costumer:


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