Lições de Inglês em um restaurante
Por: AnaClara125 • 8/1/2017 • Exam • 688 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 275 Visualizações
Os americanos (além de outras culturas europeias) têm hábitos de comer e beber bastante diferentes dos brasileiros. O americano gosta de tomar um café da manhã reforçado, sobretudo nos fins de semana. Costumam jantar cedo, geralmente antes das 21:00. É costume para um americano levar o que sobrou de uma refeição para casa. Raramente se fuma em um restaurante nos Estados Unidos, e o serviço não é incluído nunca na conta a não ser que se trate de um grupo grande (geralmente mais de cinco pessoas). A gorjeta não pode ser menos de 10% ou mais de 20% (só se for um serviço especialmente bom). Cuidado quando for pedir água: se pedir só água, será da torneira mesmo. E treine a pronúncia antes de dizer water, que em inglês americano se pronuncia algo como “uara”.
- Fill in the gaps in the table translating the verbs into portuguese or english:
To eat out | Viajar | To have lunch | Almoçar |
To order | Fazer o pedido | To reserve | Reservar |
To start somebody off with something | Iniciar a refeição | To have dinner | Jantar |
To wait | Esperar | To take your time | Sem press |
To taste | Experimentar | To have breakfast | Tomar café da manhã |
To try | Experimentar | To drink | Beber |
To be out of | Estar sem alguma coisa | To bem hungry | Estar com fome |
To ask | Pedir (favor) | To be thirsty | Estar com sede |
To have a bite | Comer pouca quantidade | To be full | Estar cheio |
Smell good | Cheirar bem | To be ok / alright | Estar bem/satisfeito |
To look delicious | Parece delicioso | To cook | Cozinhar |
To see | Ver o cardápio | To smoke | Fumar |
To have the check/ bill | Pedir a conta | To suggest/ to recommend | Sugerir / Recomendar |
To make a reservation | Fazer uma reserva | To prepare | Preparar |
- Give words to the meanings and meanings to the words:
- The place you can smoke at a restaurant: Smoking area
- A group of people who arrange to eat: party
- Fork, spoon, knife: Silver ware or cutlery
- First course of the meal: Starter
- List of food: Menu
- List of drink: Drink´s list
- List of wine: Wine list
- Type of food with no meat: Vegetarian or vegan
- When your steak is under cooked, it is…: rare steak
- Money you give for the service: Typ
- To clean your mouth or hands after eating, you use a…: napquen - tessui
- Who cooks your food at a restaurant: chef or a cooker
- Who takes your order: Waiter
- Who takes your name when you arrive at a restaurant: Hostess
- What’s the difference between:
- To eat and to eat out: to eat is the action and to eat out is eat in a restaurant
- To be full and to be stuffed: it´s the same thing and stuffe you eat a lot and is terrible
- Main course and side dish: main course is the most important dish of meal
- Recipe and receipt: recipe is how you cook the food (Receita) and receipt (Recibo)
- Soup and soap: Soup is to eat and soap is to whash hands
- Roast, grilled, fried and mashed:
- Give opposites:
- On time: Late or delayed
- Arrive: leave
- Rare (steak): over cooked and well done
- Translate:
- Espera: Wait
- Set menu: A la carte
- Mesa para dois: Table for two
- Bar: Bar
- Máquina (de cartão ou de bebidas): Machinee
- Lamb: Carne de Carneiro
- Carne de porco: Pork
- Beef: Bife
- Frango: Chicken
- Carne (geral): Meat
- Haddock: Bacalhau
- Salmão: Salmon
- Batata: Poteto
- Peas: Ervilha
- Arroz e feijão: Rice and beans
- Carrot: Cenoura
- Leek: Alho poró
- Morango: Strawberry
- Sobremesa: Dessert
- Salgado: Salt
- Apimentado: chilli or hot or pepper
- Azedo: Better
- Soda: Soda
- Write S for server and C for costumer:
- Did you have a chance to see our specials? S
- Table for 3, please. C
- Could we get this to go? C
- How many in your party? S
- Just the check, please. C
- Is there a set menu? C
- I’ll be right with you. S
- Could we have a table near the window? C
- Where’s the restroom? C
- There’s a 30 minute wait. S
- Are you all set to order? S
- I’ll have what you’re having. C
- How would you like your stake? S
- What kind of beer do you have? C
- Are you done with that? S
- Let me get this out of your way. S
- Can we have some more bread please? C
- Can I get this warmed up, please? C
- That’s great, thanks. C
- Make a conversation between a server and the costumer: