- Trabalhos, Monografias, Artigos, Exames, Resumos de livros, Dissertações

A Analista Comercial

Por:   •  22/11/2020  •  Relatório de pesquisa  •  300 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  188 Visualizações

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Pg  28

  1. I decided to work with human resources, because I believe the people is the most important think the the business world
  2. I din’t remember one situation
  3. when the people Didn't work together in team and always are pessimist
  4. no I din’t

Pg 31

  1. Google:

Google’s corporate mission is “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”

R: Because, the google company is one of the most popular company’s, and have one good mission statement.

  1. Yes, I can, the decisions and messages of this company in the last years have a perceptive choose with the mission

Pg 33

An: We use An before words beginning with vowel sounds, only in singular.

A: We use before words beginning with consonant sounds

The: Use the to refer to something which has already been mentioned or specific  thinks

2 – big company,  excellent, a successful, differente

3 – Contries -  Ending in consonant + Y, we Drop the –Y and add –IES.

Languages: only add “S”

4 - be a successful person

Professional: I want to have my own business

  • Save money
  • Think what I really whant open
  • Leave my actual job

Personal: Do my mba and buy one change to one house


Find one good highschol

Do the subscription


Save money

Find one good house

Buy it

PG 43

A - If a manager is really successful, then he can take himself out of the equation. That is perfect management.

B- make everybody feel part of the process, that they also own it


My father, because he always motivated me to big dream and work hard for whatever what i plan to do I my life

PG 57

  1. how much time for serve the dinner?
  2. how many guest  we have confirmed  in the list at now?

Some/many/ a lot of/ a few/ many/ some/any


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