- Trabalhos, Monografias, Artigos, Exames, Resumos de livros, Dissertações

Abstract Geography

Por:   •  27/11/2015  •  Abstract  •  351 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  224 Visualizações

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Everything that happens in the basin eventually rebounds in river channels and can be considered thus, the synthesis of the processes of an entire basin. Therefore, the study of the river environment is an important step in the management and administration of water resources. In order to contribute to the understanding of these areas the following study is aimed to analyze the correlations between the spatial distribution of the wet passages in the medium-low Jaguaribe River Valley and its active process in identifying areas susceptible to degradation. It sought as well to catalog and map all existing wet passages in the middle-low course of the Rio Jaguaribe, creating a digital database that can support the analysis of the wet passages and its river repercussions, correlating different variables towards finding fluvial behavior patterns in areas adjacent to wet passages. In order to meet the stated objectives, the methodological procedures was organized with the objective of facilitating the systematization and development of research. Thus, the activities were divided into three main areas: theoretical research, fieldwork and systematization of data. In the fieldwork it was collected information for the river channel as well as each wet passage. The data was systematized in a table composed of a digital database that served as known for the preparation of maps using ArcGIS software. It was identified the total of 34 wet passages, whereas the spatial distribution of these were the main influential factor of the remaining processes of river dynamics. With an average distance of 7.6 km between the PM throughout the entire area of study, it stood out with less interference those areas where the wet passages are installed relatively more remotely than the remaining others. In this case, the passage two appeared as the most problematic of the entire area in several ways. However, it is necessary to emphasize that these are conclusions based on a study conducted in a relatively short period, in a limited number of variables and therefore it is recommended to further research to build an effective and systematic knowledge about the functioning of the fluvial system of the region.


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