Por: evertonaga • 22/11/2015 • Trabalho acadêmico • 1.476 Palavras (6 Páginas) • 269 Visualizações
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Everton Alex Gonçalo de Araújo RA: 415376
Maria Grazielly Silva Cardoso Mendes RA: 413389
Marcos Roberto da Silva RA: 425346
Jhones Assunção RA: 421886
Maria Quitéria do Nascimento Silva RA: 7371645941
TUTOR: Gauce Soares Casimiro
Weather in London - Quick Comparison
We noticed by the images that the climatic conditions are very different from what happens in Brazil. Winter in London is geladíssimo. No doubt London is colder than Brazil. In winter the landscape is sadder than in the summer. Clouds and snow cover the city. The weather is gray and sad.
Summer brings the sun and flowers. The landscape is more cheerful in summer than in winter. There are more flowers in summer than in winter. There are more people in the park in summer than in winter. People also have fun in the winter. They make snowmen, skate and throw snowballs at each other.
The summer also allows the use of the beach. You can not always wear bathing suits because quite windy and the sun is not as hot as well. Even this season it can experience rain during the day. The rain is light but very frequent. Unlike our country where it rains in torrents. Brazil is warmer than London. And more cheerful too.
According to the information of a site:
"The time of change in England is quite impressive in early spring, for example, can have rain, snow, thunder and lightning, hail and sun in the course of a single day! In the summer between June and August the temperature rarely reaches 30 degrees C, while remaining below 25 ° C, most of the time a temperate climate."[1]
But the winter is rigorous and comes to snow between December and February. The same site keeps telling us:
"In the depths of winter between December and February the temperature can drop below 0 ° C. It is unusual snow in England, but usually it snows up for a few days in December and January. The snow is light, with about 3 cm deep. Therefore melts soon after a few days. But you can enjoy it! Children love to play in neve.Como not much snow in England, the country's infrastructure is not prepared for snow and there is generally disruption in transport services. But nothing too serious, only a few of train and bus delays. "[2]
We believe that the Brazilians would have difficulties in adapting to climate London. The sun shines more in Brazil than in London and the beaches of Brazil are more beautiful than London, although we know that the beaches of London are less dangerous than the beaches of Brazil.
Travel, tourism and transit airports
Traveling is a pleasure. By car, bus or plane, we can travel long distances to rest or do business. Tours are better than business. Beach or field can restore our energy for daily work.
In any case, we always need planning because certain factors can surprise us, for example, mechanical problems, poor location for hosting, paths with heavy traffic.
Travel holidays can be difficult because of the number of vehicles on the roads and the number of people at airports, especially in our country where airports do not have complete infrastructure. They are sold more passes than the number of seats available. The baggage is misplaced and the attendants do not show much sympathy. As reported particular website:
"Brasília - A study released today (14) by the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea) shows that 17 of the 20 main Brazilian airports, or 85%, are in situation" critical "or" worrying ". Of these, 12 are running up the operational capacity. Only the airports of Porto Alegre, Salvador and Manaus work on "appropriate" conditions outside the "choke setting." [3]
When everything goes right, then travel by plane is better than traveling by car or bus, but you can have a more comfortable drive, depending on the distance, of course.
Plane is faster What the bus, but you can not enjoy the scenery. Bus rides follow programmed scripts, you can not stop everywhere. Drive can experience the sights and if you want, we can stop and enjoy all closely.
Speaking of tours, Brazil has many sights in its various cities. One of the latest media articles have a famous landmark of the reef as the best museum in Latin America.
"For the second consecutive year, the Instituto Ricardo Brennand was voted best museum of Latin America and the 19th best museum in the world, the Traveler's Choice Museums, TripAdvisor, considered the world's largest travel site. Based on the opinion of monthly users of the site, 591 were elected winners, distributed lists to Asia, Europe, South America and some countries such as Canada, England and the United States. The delivery of the instrument coincides with the birthday month of the IRB, which in 2015 turns 13 years of operation. "[4]
Travel, Tourism and rest are desirable in many instances, but not always as good as expected. A bad trip produces frustrations. To avoid this, we need planning and good company.
Considerations on the environment.
The video in question, made by Greenpeace shows how the Arctic region is being destroyed by pollution. Greenhouse gases are focusing on the Earth's atmosphere helping to increase the temperature which causes the ice sheets melt with frightening speed.
Not only the gases should be avoided, but also the disposable waste that will stop in streets and rivers and oceans. The waste is taken to the sea and may harm life in this environment.
Most significant damage are made from oil. Cavações in the region demonstrate the abundance of oil and the desire for large-scale production. But for every leak we have major environmental disasters.
We list some proposed solutions to the Arctic.
- Suspend oil exploration in the region. This would avoid disasters like huge patches of oil spreading across the ocean and killing animals typical of that region.
- Determine that the Arctic is considered a heritage of mankind and establish protected areas.
- Redeem and protect debilitated animals promoting treatment to enable the reintegration with nature.
- Launch advertising campaigns presenting the Arctic to the world and especially the rich countries for them to reflect on the need to reduce greenhouse gases.
- Develop technology to move vehicles from renewable energy sources. It has to be affordable so that projects achieve success.
- offer children complete training over the Arctic and the need to preserve it from pre school.
- Support the actions of pro-nature groups like Greenpeace and WWF.
Text summary – I Can’t Talk to my Parents
The author recounts the difficulties of communication between parents and children, especially in adolescence and youth, periods of great change in people's lives. During this period the communication seems to flow.