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Língua Inglesa Nível II/ Reading Strategies

Por:   •  7/12/2015  •  Pesquisas Acadêmicas  •  4.396 Palavras (18 Páginas)  •  268 Visualizações

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Anhanguera Educacional

Língua Inglesa II



Deborah Alves da S. Nascimento - 8225966779

Tayná R. Martins Teixeira – 8206950223

Instrumental English




Deborah Alves da S. Nascimento - 8225966779

Tayná R. Martins Teixeira – 8206950223

Atividades Práticas Supervisionadas (ATPS)

Instrumental English

Trabalho desenvolvido como exigência

para avaliação da ATPS, apresentado

ao curso de Letras da instituição de ensino

Anhanguera Educacional.

Orientador: Clovis Bezerra. 




1 INTRODUÇÃO ........................................................................................................... 01


  2.1 Definition ………………………………………………………………………………... 01

  2.2 Method / Application …………………………………………………………………… 02

3 DIRECT AND INDIRECT OBJECTS ……………………………………………………. 02                                                              

  3.1 Subject / verb / object ………………………………………………………………….. 02

4 TRANSITIVE AND INTRANSITIVE VERBS .............................................................. 03

5 OBJECT TYPES ……………………………………………………………………………03

  5.1 Direct object ……………………………………………………………………………...03

  5.2 Indirect object ……………………………………………………………………………04

6 WILL & GOING TO …………………………………………………….............................04

  6.1 Application ……………………………………………………………………………….05

      6.1.1 Interrogative form …………………………………………………………………..05

      6.1.2 Negative form ……………………………………………………………………….05                        

      6.1.3 Short form ……………………………………………………………………….…..05

7 READING STRATEGIES ………………………………………………………………….06

  7.1 Scanning ……………………………………………………………………………..…..06

  7. 2 Skimming ………………………………………………………………………..………07

8 SIMPLE PRESENT AND PRESENT CONTINUOUS …………………........................07

9 PRESENT CONTINUOUS …………………………………………….............................09

10 EXERCÍCIOS …………………………………………………………….........................10

   10.1 GABARITO ………………………………………………………..............................13

11 CONCLUSÃO ………………………………………………………..........................…..14

12 REFERÊNCIAS …………………………………………………..........................……...15


No decorrer da elaboração desta ATPS nós, estudantes, estávamos em período de estágio, convivendo com alunos a nível de Fund. II. E num momento oportuno questionamos aos alunos como faziam quando liam textos em português e não sabiam o significado de algumas palavras. Uma grande parte dos alunos nos respondeu que deduzia, que atribuia um significado provisório ás palavras. Tivemos em mente, então, que não ocorre algo muito diferente na língua inglesa. A par disso, abordamos a formação das palavras, seus auxiliares; os usos possíveis e corretos, dentro do contexto gramático e das estratégias não só de leitura, mas de ensino da mesma.


2.1 Definition

               The instrumental English, "English for Specific Purposes" which in Portuguese means: English for specific purposes, also called instrumental or technical English is the ability to understand texts in English using specific reading strategies. It has arisen the need for an understanding and fast and effective communication in a global context. For example: during the war, the soldiers needed to learn the enemy's language to survive, this basic vocabulary was spoken in aircraft, ships and battlefields. Over time other needs came surging, such as reading and interpretation of books, instructions, guides and magazines in English. There is need for a more specific and simplified form that meets the difficulties of readers, students and professionals, So the instrumental English was created. Instrumental English aims to use reading strategies and comprehension of books, texts and the like so that in order to make the professional, student or anyone who use the English language capable of understanding a text in their field of studies, work and etc. In this approach, the reading has prior knowledge of the readers. The English is the instrumental "instrumental training" of that language, in which the skills are designed to extract knowledge to specific areas of study. Remember, the instrumental English or technician may or may not be aimed at oral communication in English, however, for the WEB and NETWORK courses their main skill to be worked will be reading and study of grammar, restricting it to the minimum necessary, ie associating it with a text.


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