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Texto: “our biggest fear” LÍngua inglesa II

Por:   •  9/4/2015  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  539 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  274 Visualizações

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Our biggest fear

Everyone is afraid of snakes - ok? An old theory says that fear of things like snakes and fire is built into our brain, because animals that are afraid of dangerous things live longer and more babies. But some scientists have done research that shows that we might learn to be afraid of things.

Scientists did an interesting experiment with monkeys to see if this is true. They compare two groups of monkeys. One groups of monkeys was born is a jungle and the other group was born laboratory at the university. They put the two group of monkeys together and showed them videos of snakes. At first, the jungle monkeys were afraid of the snake videos, but the laboratory monkeys didn't react. Them the laboratory monkeys saw that the jungle monkeys wise afraid of snakes, and they became afraid, too. These results show that monkeys learned about fear and dangerous things from watching other monkeys. The researchers conclusion was that fear is activated by watching other monkeys. Scientists think that people could develop a fear of snakes in the same way, because babies are not afraid of them. In any case , the fear of snakes is very powerful. In one survey, 51 percent of people said that snakes are their biggest fear.


Laboratory: a place where scientist work.

Research: studying something to discover new facts about it.

Theory: a scientific idea.

Survey: collecting information by skinny many people the same questions.

Experiment: a scientific test to see if something is true.

Results: the information that scientists get after an experiment.

Compare: see how two things are similar or diferents.

Conclusion: something you decide after looking at all the information.


Nosso maior medo

Todo mundo tem medo de cobras - certo? Uma velha teoria diz que o medo de coisas como cobras e fogo é construído em nosso cérebro, por essa razão os animais que têm medo de coisas perigosas vivem mais tempo e a maioria são filhotes. Mas alguns cientistas fizeram uma pesquisa que mostra que nós podemos aprender a ter medo das coisas.

Os cientistas fizeram uma experiência interessante com macacos para ver se isso é verdade. Eles comparam dois grupos de macacos. Um grupo de macacos nasceu

em uma selva e o outro grupo nasceu no laboratório da universidade. Eles colocaram os dois grupos de macacos juntos e mostrou um vídeos de cobras. Na primeira, os macacos da selva tinham medo do vídeo de cobra, mas os macacos de laboratório não reagiram. Eles, os macacos de laboratório observando que os

macacos da selva, mesmo sendo espertos tinham ficado com medo das cobras, acabaram ficando com medo, também. Estes resultados mostram que os macacos

aprenderam sobre medo e coisas perigosas só de assistir a outros macacos. A conclusão dos pesquisadores foi que o medo foi ativado


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