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Por:   •  11/9/2015  •  Abstract  •  307 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  249 Visualizações

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The objective of this project is to demonstrate the use of computers in educational institutions of elementary school, so addressing striking differences in various forms of education in Computing, as well as government projects involving digital inclusion and especially those in school.

Still on government projects approach difficulties faced basic requirements and consequences for implementation and also possible solutions for them.

We know and we are fully aware that today the computer can release the vicious circle of learning based on our teachers, family and the whole community, which limit the scope of knowledge of the next generation knowledge. With all this apparatus and equipment of the new generations, teachers seek social maturity to guide their students in a vital learning process, allowing new techniques and ideas never seen before , in which everyone benefits from them .

Own Educators around the world have undertaken to adapt to these changes and new trends and new directions of knowledge and current technologies.

This document specifies the design, development and deployment of a parking system showing clearly the prevailing rates on the first hour and the remaining hours.

The system will also show the customer information through a receipt with date, time of entry and vehicle plate, and a second receipt generated at the output of vehicle parking and this containing information of the date, time of entry, time of departure, vehicle plate and the amounts to be paid by staying on the site.

The number of occupied and available vacancies will also be shown at the establishment, and alerting the user when there is no space available for use. The system will also show the motion performed during the day with the sum of all values for closing the box.

Will be shown at the closing the life cycle used for the development of the parking system and justifications for this choice will be presented.


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