- Trabalhos, Monografias, Artigos, Exames, Resumos de livros, Dissertações

Projeto Integrado Multidisciplinar

Por:   •  28/8/2019  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  994 Palavras (4 Páginas)  •  172 Visualizações

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1. Can you tell me a little about yourself?

I’m 34, i live with my parentes, i’m single and i’m easygoing and calm person. In my free time i like to watch movies, play vídeo games and go to the gym. I love practice sports, specially weightlift, swimming and crossfit. I’ve been working on IT área since my first job in 2005. During this time i got two degrees and one pos degree diploma and some IT certifications. In the last five years i’ve been working as IT coordinator for IT Consulting, provinding services for clients as Walmart, grupo CNOVA, Livraria Saraiva, Dia Brasil, Vivo, Claro, Natura e Kroton.

2. How did you hear about the position?

I have a friend who Works in the company and she recommended me to the job.

3. What do you know about the company?

Well, i already worked in the company in 2013 as an employee but, i have worked for the company for IT Consulting between 2008 until 2012. I know is an international Telecom company. The most importante here in Brazil.

4. Why do you want this job?

I’m looking for a new challenge, something that make me feel motivated. I like my current job, but i believe is time for a change.

5. Why should we hire you?

I believe that all experience, skills, knowledge can improve the job that is doing here. I’m a person who Always do the job on time, i know how to communicate with people specially with clients and understand their necessities. I believe i will fit very well in the team and the culture.

6. What are your greatest professional strengths?

I’m a 100% person commited with everything that i have to do. I know how to motivate people around me, because i believe motivated people work better, and if you work better you have better results. Also, i am a person who have a very good relationshiop with everybody and in our job relationship is one of the most importante thing.

7. What do you consider to be your weaknesses?

I'm a very demanding person. I don’t like mistakes and sometimes mistakes are unacceptable. We are in a professional place and we have to avoid most of the mistakes. I know sometimes this can cause some pressure on people and this pressure can cause the mistakes. I Always try to show what we have to do and how importante is but trying not make pressure.

8. What is your greatest professional achievement?

When i was hired in the current company we were almost losing one of the contract because the job were not doing properly. We were late with all the Projects, when we did something the Project did not work and our support team was not qualified and most of times they didn’t know what they should do. I took this client, talked to them and commited myself to change how the things were doing. The first step i did was talk to all my team to understand what they wanted. After that i had to replace some people. I hired people who already had worked with me. People that i knew i could trust, people who have the commitment to do the things work in the same time they were much more qualified.

At the same time, i started to be closest of the client. To understand their problems, their necessity, and show that we were there for everything that they needed.

I started to show in mettings every week the progress os the projects, the issues and what we were doing to done that. After some weeks, the client was feeling much more satisfied with the job, and we change that bad situation that we had in the beginning.

9. Tell me about a challenge or conflict you've faced at work, and how you dealt with it.

In the company that i worked before the current, i had a person who asked me to fire her. She was working there for so many years and she was not satisfied with the job anymore and she was looking for a new one. I talked with the owner of the company but he did not agree, because was so much expensive pay to fire her. So i had to do something to change her. I couldn’t have a person who was not motivated. I talked to her the true, explaining that was not possible fire her, but i was willing to help her to be back a motivated person. I gave to her new challenges, new opportunities to show her skills, and she became one of my best employees. When i live the company, i recommended her to my position and the company have accepted.

10. Where do you see yourself in five years?

I have my ambitions and in five years, if i succeed i expect to be an IT manager.

13. Why are you leaving your current job?

I’m a person who needs to feel challenged, i need something to make me have pleasure to work. I love my current job but after more than three years, i believe is time to new challenges.

17. What's your management style?

I’m a strong and demanding person and I don’t accept mistakes, specially mistakes caused by lack of attention, but i’ll be always available to help everybody from my team. Doesn’t matter the situation. I like to help people to improve their skills and develop their self.

23. How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?

In my job we have pressure almost everyday. When a Project can late or when we have problems on IT Production area. Doesn’t matter the problem, i always try to be calm. I can’t be affected for this because sometimes to solve a problem, i have to talk with someone or i have to say to people what they have to do, and i believe I, more than any other must show confidence and control of the situation.

27. If you were an animal, which one would you want to be?

The Great White Shark


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