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Recipe in English

Por:   •  22/10/2015  •  Artigo  •  393 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  296 Visualizações

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Vegetables mayonnaise:





-green beans


-2spoons of lemon juice

-5spoons of mayonnaise

-1smell onion


-cook the potatoes the carrots

-cut the potatoes and the carrots into cubes

-cut the green beans into small peaces

-cut the onion into very small peaces

-mix the lemon juice wuth the mayonnaise

-put every thing in a bag bowl

-put the salt


-Your vegetables mayonnaise is ready

(If your prefer , put a can of tuna fish)

Serve with meat.

  [pic 1][pic 2]

Chocolate cake


-four eggs

-one cup of oil

-three cups of sugar

-three cups of flour

-two cups of milk

-one cup of powdered

-four small spoons of yeast


-mix the eggs

-add the oil and the sugar.Mix very well

-add the flour, the milk and the chocolate


-the last ingredient is the yeast


-put the misture in the oven, waint for forty-five minutes

The cake is ready

  [pic 3][pic 4]

Vegetables mayonnaise:





-green beans


-2spoons of lemon juice

-5spoons of mayonnaise

-1smell onion


-cook the potatoes the carrots

-cut the potatoes and the carrots into cubes

-cut the green beans into small peaces

-cut the onion into very small peaces

-mix the lemon juice wuth the mayonnaise

-put every thing in a bag bowl

-put the salt


-Your vegetables mayonnaise is ready

(If your prefer , put a can of tuna fish)

Serve with meat.

  [pic 5][pic 6]

Chocolate cake


-four eggs

-one cup of oil

-three cups of sugar

-three cups of flour

-two cups of milk

-one cup of powdered

-four small spoons of yeast


-mix the eggs

-add the oil and the sugar.Mix very well

-add the flour, the milk and the chocolate


-the last ingredient is the yeast


-put the misture in the oven, waint for forty-five minutes

The cake is ready

  [pic 7][pic 8]

Vegetables mayonnaise:





-green beans


-2spoons of lemon juice

-5spoons of mayonnaise

-1smell onion


-cook the potatoes the carrots

-cut the potatoes and the carrots into cubes


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