- Trabalhos, Monografias, Artigos, Exames, Resumos de livros, Dissertações


Por:   •  23/9/2021  •  Projeto de pesquisa  •  251 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  252 Visualizações

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The thinking of Jane Addams and Mary Richmond is associated with

the construction of knowledge of social work in modernity. In the late

nineteenth and early twentieth century, these compelling figures joined the

social work profession in socio-technical division of labor and in the agenda

of the countries involved in social question. This paper aims to examine the

implicit relationship of these authors with social work, emphasizing the emergence

and construction of the same action as a “quasi-professional”. We

adopted a qualitative methodology based on the literature review which

allowed situate the context of modernity and compare the personal journey

of Richmond and Addams taking into account: the personal and professional

trajectory, the theoretical perspectives of social work in addressing social problems;

the organizations and the practices and main contributions and innovations

in an context of social reform.

The thinking of Jane Addams and Mary Richmond is associated with

the construction of knowledge of social work in modernity. In the late

nineteenth and early twentieth century, these compelling figures joined the

social work profession in socio-technical division of labor and in the agenda

of the countries involved in social question. This paper aims to examine the

implicit relationship of these authors with social work, emphasizing the emergence

and construction of the same action as a “quasi-professional”. We

adopted a qualitative methodology based on the literature review which

allowed situate the context of modernity and compare the personal journey

of Richmond and Addams taking into account: the personal and professional

trajectory, the theoretical perspectives of social work in addressing social problems;

the organizations and the practices and main contributions and innovations

in an context of social reform.


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