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A Matemática Estatística

Por:   •  26/10/2021  •  Projeto de pesquisa  •  1.059 Palavras (5 Páginas)  •  103 Visualizações

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Genetics is the study of heredity. Heredity is a biological process in which a parent passes on certain genes to their children. All children inherit genes from their parents, these genes, which in turn express identical characteristics. Some of these characteristics can be physical, for example, skin color, hair color, eye color, etc. But genetics not only carries parents' good things, genes can also carry affected chromosomes or even weaknesses with other diseases. The genetic information is inside the nucleus, which is basically the cell's control tower, which controls all the cell's activities. Genes can be compared to words that are contained in a book. In the case of this book, half of it was written by a writer and the other half by another writer, which also happens in the case of genes that are transmitted half by the father and the other half by the mother. The genes are inside the chromosomes. Humans have 23 pairs of these small straw-like structures inside the nucleus. The father gives the son 23 chromosomes and the mother gives 23. As mentioned earlier, a comparison can be made between a book and the genes. There are some genes that are more important than others and in a book there is more relevant information. So there are going to be chromosomes that carry very important genes and there are going to be others that are not going to have such important genes. Chromosomes, and therefore genes, are made up of a chemical called DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). As mentioned earlier, there are more important chromosomes than others, and an example of an essential chromosome is chromosome number 23 that will decide what sex the person will be. The genes are encoded according to their nitrogenous bases. These nitrogenous bases manage to form patterns that are different from person to person. After an introduction to the concept of genetics, we will talk about its importance as a technology. Genetics is the basis of diversity and without it there would be no distinction between any living thing. With the discovery and development of genetics it will be possible to discover how our ancestors lived and discover the principles of evolution. Evolution is very important because it will unravel several mysteries that have yet to be discovered in science. In addition to discovering our past and evolution, genetics will have a huge impact on health in the future. With genetics, nowadays we can already find the causes for certain diseases that have a negative impact on the world. With detailed analysis of the DNA of these people, problems can be found in their chromosomes, which leads to an identification of the cause of these problems.

Graphene is the name given to a very thin sheet with carbon atoms the thickness of a single carbon atom. Graphene is present in several materials but it is stacked in millions of layers, for example there are about 3 million layers of graphene in 1 mm of graphite

Harder than diamond, more resistant than steel and lighter than aluminum. Graphene is the strongest material currently known, due to several chemical properties.

Graphene, in addition to being the strongest material in the world, has other fascinating characteristics: its electric mobility is 100x faster than silicon; conducts heat much more efficiently than diamond; its ability to conduct electricity is 13x higher than that of copper; it has a light absorption of about 3; it is so impervious that even the smallest atom in nature better known as helium cannot pass through the thin layer of carbon atoms without causing any kind of damage and due to its super thin layer it has a huge surface, with a 1g of graphene it is possible cover an entire football field easily. As previously stated, graphene constitutes other graphical materials; with the entry of graphene in the materials market there will also be the appearance of objects in two dimensions which is justified by the most notable characteristic in graphene, which is its thickness, as the thickness of graphene is almost 0 people observe certain structures built in graphene that only have two dimensions. Graphene is also very good for building van der Waals heterostructures of mixed dimensions that can be produced by hybridizing graphene with 0D quantum dots or nanoparticles, 1D nanostructures like carbon nanowires or nanotubes or bulk materials in 3 dimensions.


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